It was just her as a kid thoCrazy Eyes already had a flashback in Season 2
Didnt explain why she was in prison
It was just her as a kid thoCrazy Eyes already had a flashback in Season 2
Did he die
Did he die
Most of em are
Sister need to step her kegel gm up
I hate Netflix for blocking my VPN
El Chapo been escaping and evading the law for years
South Africa. They finally got Netflix service about 4-5 months ago but the shows are shytty. I mean they only allow you to see up to Season 2 of OITNB and TWDwhere you at my I don't use my VPN and just use the international version of Netflix and it had this season on there quick...It didn't have that unbreakable Kimmy show until this week though.
South Africa. They finally got Netflix service about 4-5 months ago but the shows are shytty. I mean they only allow you to see up to Season 2 of OITNB and TWD
young, they don't even show them joints. Mostly American stuff. A TON of UK shyt. I know one of the cats that's negotiating the rights for a lot of movies/shows to be on the SA version. They have a Netflix like service that has a lot of the popular stuff tied into contractsahh that's messed up im in South Korea they are behind but they show more block buster movies on Netflix here and more updated seasons of shows....But hey at least you get the African movies.
Out of the core black actresses, Crazy Eyes and Cindy seem to be the better actors. Her scenes do not translate to her origins for me though.
In the prison, she seems like a developmentally challenged eccentric adult. In the origins it comes off as a slow child.
The one I can't stand every time she speaks is Janae. Like, I don't understand how after 4 seasons she is still a horrific actor.
Agreed. Suzanne is great and Cindy is decent. Janae, however, has been awful since the first season and hasn't gotten any better.
And I'm sorry, but Tastey and Poussey are not really good actresses in my opinion. The delivery of some of their lines is pretty cringey to me. I can't be the only one who sees this?