"Opening up when ur done with them" unappreciation Thread

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
It's always very telling when a man does this after a breakup: Offer/promise you the things you were asking for when you were together. If you happen to get back with him he'll "act right" for all of 2-4 weeks then go right back to status quo.
Thats not necessarily true. It depends on the person and the circumstances that brought you everything to that point. People never want to accept responsibility for the way things are in a relationship, especially when its clear that the majority of the blame is on the the other person. Like someone else said, you can feel a certain way about a person but unless you are making that person feel that, things can go wrong. The problem is perception in that case. And that alone can ruin a relationship if it happens at a time where both parties are waiting for initiative that never comes. That guy may have always wanted to act the way you wanted him to but did not feel that from you. This is despite the fact that you actually feel that way. He may take a leap of faith and do things the way he was waiting to do them in hopes of really working things out...

But sometimes, something lost in translation between how you feel about him to how you express it to him. What that is could be anything from internal issues of either/both of you, personal issues etc...just life in general.

Its often as you say though. Just not often enough for you to say "always"...unless you were just speaking from your personal experiences.

It's hard to undo 20-30 years of social conditioning.Hell, it's hard for any adult from any background to undo bad habits, to the point where it's very unlikely they'll change after a certain point. You did the right thing op, an adult mostly like isn't gonna change for good and for anybody, unless he really wants it for himself. If you get back with him and you see he changes, most likely those changes aren't permanent, learning to open up is a looooonnnnng process.

What sucks though, is when a man opens up, if they get betrayed in a significant sort of way, they have a much tougher time bouncing back from it than women it seems.
We need to stop assuming that because someone doesn't do something that we want, its because they don't know how to do it. This is hardly ever the case man. If you have sex with a woman and she doesn't have an orgasm, you're not gonna think "Hmm, I guess she doesnt know how to." You're going to think like a sensible person and come to the conclusion that there was something that you didn't do to make her. Emotions are just the same in that regard. Just because someone didnt open up to you, doesnt mean they don't know how to do it. As an incredibly closed off person myself, I understand that most people like that WANT to open up to you, they NEED to open up to you, they just need something more than average person from you to do it. Thinking theres some fool-proof master formula equation to stencil on every person to get them to open up is the exact type of thing that will make it certain that they won't. Its just up to you to decide if you really, HONESTLY took responsibility for youre efforts or lack thereof. If you know you didnt mail it in and truly gave, then you have to do what you have to do. If you didnt, then perhaps thats something you can change to get that person to open up because that may be the ONE thing they needed from you to open the flood gates.


Sep 26, 2013
I can understand this :russ:.

IME, a lot of men aren't socialised to be vulnerable and to express themselves emotionally. This is often couched in cliches about men being more logical and women more emotional, which is BS - the reason is simply because we're conditioned not to be that way, and experience ridicule if we do allow ourselves to "open up" as it were. This is something that takes time to learn, for me it was quite a difficult process too. Not only is it difficult to put yourself on the line emotionally, but generally you get people that think you're a p*ssy, a simp or gay or whatever. It is what it is.


Feb 12, 2015
OK. When you said, "...because he had issues opening up and was freaked out by any type of romance or emotional connection" and, "This is someone who has done whatever he could to push me away.", this was only after you all were in love and livin' together? He only stopped bein' open, romantic and emotionally available after you were fully invested?
Pretty much. There would even be nights after wen started living together where we would literally stay up til 4am laughing, drinking, debating anime. Lmao!

Then the next couple of days he would try to withdraw. The first couple of times I didn't really think too much of it. But then I started noticing a major pattern. The closer we got, the more fun we had, the better we were together...the more he would try to distance himself.

I know this shyt sounds crazy. But he would tell me his friends and family loved me and were all on "my side" but he didn't sound happy about it. Lmao!

Like he told me, he dated trash chicks before me because he never had to be serious with them. I finally confronted him about it and I told him that he didn't trust our connection. So he would put up walls to try and pull back when he got too close.

I get it now. He enjoys being with me but he doesn't have the emotional capacity to sustain a relationship right now. I get it but it's just frustrating to have someone literally love u, support u, spend almost everyday with u chilling and then become withdrawn based on past experiences. It also sucks because, Im actually sadder for him than for myself. Somehow he has convinced himself that I was going to eventually abandon him, shouldn't be in a relationship with him, and resented the one chick in his life that "cared whether I was okay" according to him.
I know u can't spell love without an L but I can't. I reached my limit.


Out of TLR and into the light :blessed:
Feb 10, 2013
That's funny my ex is kinda doing the same thing. We aren't together on paper anymore but we live together until I move out in 3 weeks. Dude been apologizing for all his transgressions and misteps. I forgave him ages ago but :yeshrug: let's just focus on the babies, breh. We can co parent and be friendly but....that's it.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
That man is playing games. You dont need that stress in your life.

Its a good thing you dumped him. He aint classy at all.


Feb 12, 2015
That's funny my ex is kinda doing the same thing. We aren't together on paper anymore but we live together until I move out in 3 weeks. Dude been apologizing for all his transgressions and misteps. I forgave him ages ago but :yeshrug: let's just focus on the babies, breh. We can co parent and be friendly but....that's it.
Yeah u can be the best person in the world but if somebody ain't ready for you, they can't appreciate it. All the apologizing in the world won't make a difference. And yeah forgiveness is powerful. It's more for you than it is the person who hurt u. So u can move forward.

I'm very much the same. When we were done, we were done. It's been some months now and I can see his demeanor is even starting to change this week. He's realizing I ain't with the shyts. I told him we will always be friends. Thankfully we don't have any children together. He gets frustrated b/c I'm not really dating anybody else but I'm also not desperate enuff to pay him attention either. I'm not really trying to replace or rebound. But I won't deal with that either.

Our lease ends next June but we got a two bedroom apartment. If he moves out sooner, that would be fine too. I have enough money saved to be good. And my grant funds are released in October.
$10,000 tax free every semester. God is good! I wish him the best too.


Feb 12, 2015
That man is playing games. You dont need that stress in your life.

Its a good thing you dumped him. He aint classy at all.
Yeah I feel bad for him because he's just been burned in life, but that's not an excuse to shut out the ones who do care about u.

It's for the best.


Dec 11, 2012
the fact that yall live together still dosent help matters for either one..

You might as well step out or tell him to step out and find a new residence ASAP:yeshrug:

Why you even speaking to playboy about the situation at this point?All you doing is making it worse:francis:

This is what i will never get about women

A nikka will show you with his actions that he down for you and its still not enough:yeshrug:

You even said homeboy did alot for you:pachaha:

Like a female will say, you never say you love me...

But i came out of my pocket to hold you down when your stacks were low..And didnt even ask for it back:stopitslime:

I made sure ma dukes was taken care of when she wanted to go out for her birthday off the strength..:beli:

When you was sick, i ran out to get you medicine in the storm and stopped my daily activities to make sure you was kosher..:childplease:

Everybody dont show emotion the same...:leostare:

Everyone dont show the emotion you want right away:leostare:

You shouldnt entertain a friendship with him..delete his number and tell him to do the same..so you both can move on:ld:


Feb 12, 2015
How long were you dating? Did you ever take the time to ask him how he expresses emotion? Your definition of "opening up" may be different than his. It's also important to note that just because he wasn't expressing emotion he could have been changing other behaviors that you weren't aware of. I think the whole "Drake" way takes some time to get to.
This is very true. And geez I feel like it's been forever because for a while we were spending almost every day together...
This month made 2 years. I think...lol! But yeah u make a very good point and that's definitely something he brought up as well. It takes time. But I just can't wait on somebody to change. It's unfair to him and me.


Dec 11, 2012
I can understand this :russ:.

IME, a lot of men aren't socialised to be vulnerable and to express themselves emotionally. This is often couched in cliches about men being more logical and women more emotional, which is BS - the reason is simply because we're conditioned not to be that way, and experience ridicule if we do allow ourselves to "open up" as it were. This is something that takes time to learn, for me it was quite a difficult process too. Not only is it difficult to put yourself on the line emotionally, but generally you get people that think you're a p*ssy, a simp or gay or whatever. It is what it is.

You experience ridicule from the same woman who told you to open up:francis:

Dont think they wont use that as ammo in the future..And dont think they not telling their friends either...

Thats just 1 of many ways that women try to get the upperhand so you can think that you cant do better if they act up...

nikkas out here catching DV cases because the woman got them strung along emotionally..