Get an open bar, and only plan to have liquor for about half the guests. Ive been to plenty of open bar weddings and every time at the end the bride and groom are begging people to take the left over alcohol because its tons left. People gonna talk a lot of shyt about how much they are gonna drink at the wedding but when they get there most people will have 1 drink, 2 tops because they dont want to be that person who gets laughed at because they were drunk.
Your best bet would be to get a venue that allows you to bring your own alcohol. A case of good Moscato will run you 100 bucks. So with 12 bottles per case and estimating 4 generous glasses per bottle, with 6 cases you have enough for 288 glasses of wine. Everyone wont want wine so buy 3 24 bottle cases of beer for around 20 a case, thats 72 beers. Then decide on ONE mixed drink you will have available, some sort of martini. Decide on something that uses plain vodka because then you can have cranberry and orange juice too and people can use those as mixers. All that shyt will serve a wedding of 160 adults easily and for around 1000 bucks. Thats more than enough liquor to have everyone right. Dont think you need to drop 3500 without doing the math.