Breh fukk all that "this too long" this type of information is priceless.
Actual techniques with the positive results to back it up.
Can you share 2 or 3 of the most influential books you read which led you to try stuff like this with your daughter?
Nassim Nicholas Talebs’s 4 books have shaped my life more than anything else. I found him in 2008 and I reread (now listen) to them annually. I can’t say these books directly lead to me doing any of the parenting things I mentioned but I don’t think I would have gotten to where I am without. I’ll warn you though. His first two books i labored through because a very successful dude recommended them to me. I’m glad I did.
One example that stands out to me is once in a lifetime opportunities. Most people come across them and treat them like they’ll leap at the chance when it’s more convenient. You can ask a lot of old heads about their woulda coulda shoulda moment. If they live with regret they probably passed on a shot that never came back to them.
Uh... “the signal and the noise” is another abstract book that didn’t lead to any one thing but it made me scrutinize information and I’m better able to see what works by narrowing down the cause of things. Again, i wouldn’t consider this a self help book but I’m able to apply what I’ve learned in one domain to another domain.
“How children succeed: grit determination and the hidden power of character” gave me the idea of never telling her she couldn’t. And making sure she wasn’t afraid to speak up. Ever since she was 4 she’s been ordering her own food a restaurants. Most people are afraid to ask for what they need, especially women. I didn’t want that for her. The book beats the concept of try hard to death. It could’ve been much shorter but the author tried to character develop too much.
When it comes to nutrition “the personal paleo code” is a good one. “Grain brain” is another. “Head strong” is good. I had a friend of a friend who would complain about his son always getting into trouble at school. I told him to change his sons breakfast and he reluctantly tried it. It ended up working out for the kid but the dad said he got tired of fighting his son in the morning and caved. Started giving him pancakes and shyt again. The kid went right back to misbehaving. The story ends with the parents putting the kid on Ritalin.
If you have a specific question feel free to ask. I might not have the answer but if I do I’ll share it the way others have for me.