the community change in public health course is about to start in 4 days
Course Syllabus
After listening to, viewing, and studying the course materials, you will:
Provide a definition of community
Identify community components, characteristics, and typologies
Outline and explain the components of a community diagnosis
Explain the concept of perceived community/collective efficacy
Outline and describe the community competency model
Explain Rothman's model of community change
Note relationships of Rothman's model to other change models
Describe the levels of the political economy model
Give examples of a political economy interpretation to health problems
Define the concept of community coalitions
Identify the role of community participation in the Alma Ata Declaration
Provide examples of the effect of participation on program outcomes
Describe how coalitions can address urban health problems
Describe the levels of participation along a continuum
Distinguish between community-based and community-controlled programming
Course Syllabus
After listening to, viewing, and studying the course materials, you will:
Provide a definition of community
Identify community components, characteristics, and typologies
Outline and explain the components of a community diagnosis
Explain the concept of perceived community/collective efficacy
Outline and describe the community competency model
Explain Rothman's model of community change
Note relationships of Rothman's model to other change models
Describe the levels of the political economy model
Give examples of a political economy interpretation to health problems
Define the concept of community coalitions
Identify the role of community participation in the Alma Ata Declaration
Provide examples of the effect of participation on program outcomes
Describe how coalitions can address urban health problems
Describe the levels of participation along a continuum
Distinguish between community-based and community-controlled programming