Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
Start creating our own businesses and support these same businesses.
End of discussion.
Strange how the concept of group economics goes over people's head. No one will take this advice.
Start creating our own businesses and support these same businesses.
End of discussion.
I'm from Pittsburgh, black unemployment is terrible there.I'd assume the population of black people in some of those states are so low that it inflates the number. Talking about states like Wisconsin, Iowa etc... But then you have DC, and Georgia etc.. where the gap is pretty big.
Anyway I live in Texas which seems to have one of the smallest jumps.
Coli unemployment rate at 0
Numbers dont lie
STEM jobs are taking over. The jobs that Blacks relied on are now filled with illegal aliens.
And alot of those jobs will be taken over by robots.
Let other black people call you a fakkit virgin nerd for learning computer programming. We seem to be allergic to science.
:mauryp:Numbers can lie