On this flat earth.."Mentally been many places, but im Brooklyns own" 19-20 Brooklyn Nets thread

No Homo

May 14, 2012
Jigga with the Roley and the Vest
Atkinson spoke as well about how the team benefits from having two-time Finals MVP around, even if he isn’t playing.
“He gets in our coaches’ huddles, especially when it gets tough,” Atkinson said. “I think he picks his spots, when to say something. He’s pretty quiet, but when he has to say something he’ll step up in the film room or in a timeout. He’s just got a really good feel for that. I could see someone coming in and being loud and boisterous. He could be that guy. He has every right to be that guy with his knowledge, but he’s just struck the right chord, the right balance of interjecting himself.”

“The great thing about Kyrie and Kevin, they’re all about basketball,” Atkinson said. “From my perspective, maybe I’m not attuned to the outside world as much and the drama — I don’t read enough — but in this environment they are two guys that are obsessed with the game. And I mean obsessed in the best sense."


Good to see him shooting around and moving well..that shot is going no where