Chances make champions
Kenny pulled out in sequence
[ Kota Ibushi's finishers ]
Last Ride Powerbomb *goto kicks out*
Phoenix Splash *goto moves*
Goto gets the advantage
Kenny comes back
Hits a v trigger, dragon suplex *goto kicks out*
Goto gets the advantage, Kenny kicks out his finish
*Chono stands in applause
Kenny hits a BLOODY SUNDAY (Devitt's finisher)
Kenny hits a STYLES CLASH (AJ's finisher)
Kenny hits a one winged angel

breh went back and did all his old homies he left in the dust's finisher and won G1
This is still my favorite Kenny Omega match ever, I enjoy the finish more than any of the trilogy, of the naito matches, etc. Many will argue the match vs. Naito the night before was better, and thats cool, all preference...but the symbolism of him pulling out of his former road dogs and now opps' finishers
Then he hit the crowd with Japanese

crowd was

Prime Kenny was really something special
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