To be fair, a lot of light skinned babies get significantly darker as time goes on. Time will tell.
Yep my daughter looked like a pale Puerto Rican when she was little. To top it off she had hair like my mom (part straight/part curly) and she looked just like my sister.
I had people at work who saw my daughter's picture and when I was out with her actually ask me was her mom white or Mexican

No lie I was at the mall and would sit on the bench with my daughter as my wife shopped and got a couple funny looks from sistas (I assume they thought I was with a white women) then when my wife walked out the store to talk with me their whole expression would change and they actually would come by and talk with me and my wife commenting on our daughter.
Another thing I felt sorry for my wife cause people would ask her all the time if our daughter was hers because of her complexion, the fact she looked nothing like my wife and her hair being the way it is. I know my wife was probably the happiest that my daughter complexion got darker by the time she hit 2 years old....