Empire strikes back
Its just a dumb dog. Nothing to be intimdated by. Most people perish at the hands of animals because they spend too much time being defensive instead of offensive.

Its just a dumb dog. Nothing to be intimdated by. Most people perish at the hands of animals because they spend too much time being defensive instead of offensive.
of course mowgli will murder wolf with bare hands on some jew-jitsu skills
Wolfs are usually more dangerous than dogs tho. If it was a small to medium sized dog I'd kick the sh!t out of him but wolfs and wild beasts that live by hunting prey, they don't sit around waiting for someone to feed them.
They got better attacking skills than a domesticated dog would.
You are a man who has never fought a dog before.
Check this out....
I AM.![]()
They attack in packs for a reason. Because they're weak and cowardly animals. This is why 1 dog is attacking old ladies instead of finding grown men to test their masculinity against. The dog realized its place on the pecking order testing that old lady though friend. It realized![]()
I dunno about that. Most animals move in packs when given the choice. Same could be said for humans.
Your run-of-the-mill American senior citizen female retiree would not have had the same response.
Humans realize their limitations as one man just like a wolf. They arent special animals. They're weak and have fragile bones not to mention when kicked in the chest, they tend to back down and wimper in retreat like good beasts.
Master Splinter in the bushes...
What movie is this from?
The Grey.
I never said they were special. Just more ferocious than a dog. But whatever. Keep fighting the good fight my friend.
A pitbull is more terrifying then a wolf and a wolf would lose a fight to a pitbull and a german shepard.