Adam & Eve, the creation myths (both of them), and Noah's Ark are all pretty clearly myth to me and not based on historical reality. You should be able to deduce that just from the fact that the Bible starts off with two completely different creation myths (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2), which contradict each other. Everything in Genesis 1-10 is told in a mythological literature format, not in a historical literature format, and appears meant to relate tales explaining who God is and who people are and how things got this way in a story-telling sense. Nowhere in those books is there any claims of witnesses, or explanation for how someone would know these things happen, or testimony that this information was given to the writer by God, or anything like that. Just like Native American creation myths, it's a storytelling device meant to explain truths of our human nature and God's nature, not historical reality.
Beyond Genesis 1-10, it's pretty clear to me that Jonah and Job are told in that mythological story-telling format as well, with no claims to historical truth. I'm ambivalent on Daniel.