bytch is bad as fux
prototype > raw > nut inside > would marry
Unc at the table looking around then at you like-nah theyll be complaining fasho. Even more so because she's attractiveain't nothing that pisses a bw that hates seeing black men date out more than a nikka with a good looking white woman.
Uncle's Gon give dap though
shyt I remember when this pic of the black cubs players and their pawgs was making rounds. A lot of Black women were furious
Yeah… she’s a bad little white broad. Gotta admit.
Short brehs need not apply.
at the thread being rated exactly 2.5 stars
Listen man, I lived in Stillwater for 9 years. If you 'pawg' lovers THINK you're gonna find that there, have at it
bytch is fine where can I find white women that look like this?
Can’t we just appreciate attractive women my brothasHer and that AEW wrestler chick at the same damn time