OJ, The Mob, and who actually Killed Ron and Nicole. Detailed Breakdown


Mar 11, 2022
5 min summary of OJ detailing the murder, as he wrote in ‘If I did it’

If you don’t think he’s relaying real events here idk what to tell you. And again there are 2 key things here:

1- This interview was before OJ’s Vegas case, where Charlie Elrich was a co defendant. If not for that case, the public and investigators probably never tie OJ to Charlie. It’s only after that case that people start to connect dots

2- He says Charlie wouldn’t let him take the knife out the car, but then he (OJ) ‘took’ the knife from Charlie before fighting Ron :shaq2:. All things considered, it seems Charlie was the goon and ain’t no way OJ would have took a knife off him. I think he’s only saying that to sound tough and bc Charlie could still be charged with murder whereas OJ can’t

I think when Ron Goldman got in that karate stance OJ bytched up and Charlie, knife in hand, is who killed Ron and possibly Nicole never too

Luxury Tax

Middleman Money
Sep 6, 2012
Bay Area
That was White on White violence..
Exactly. But you see these 2 hoes @Bigsuk & @Braman arguing about a fictional/hypothetical book titled: If I did it, here's how it happened. Again, if this is a confession by OJ, why isn't his alleged accomplice "Charlie" facing any charges. Better yet, why isn't he vilified in the media? :mjpls: They'll skip over Mark Fuhrman and his past and go straight to OJ's son Jason.

The anti black sentiment is strong... 1. We got an obsessed, violent, Pawg lover who hates his own people with the strength & healing power of Wolverine.:mjgrin:

We also got biased, un-educated Jurors who didn't understand the evidence and wanted to avoid another race riot & on top of that, they secretly wanted revenge for the Rodney King verdict:mjlol:.

lastly, we got a Defense lawyer who used the race card and mesmerized the "all black" jurors with his magical voodoo flamboyant neckties and rhymes.:mjlit:

Oh wait. The Prosecution had an incompetent, visceral negro who acted as a double agent by asking OJ to try on gloves that were obviously too small for OJ.:mjcry:

If anyone is genuinely interested in why the jurors came to their conclusion, please watch the closing arguments.

You'll notice the prosecution juelzing about motives for the killing rather than pointing to solid evidence. Then compare that to the Defense team strategically breaking down the lies and hypothesis presented in this case. #Masterfully :blessed:

to keep it sohh hip hop...
They say F. Lee Bailey defeated them,
Barry Scheck was too street for 'em
what's nxet, I guess its for Cochran to Ether him...

In short, I'm just saying Reese Nibbled Out:umad:


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
Your theory literally makes zero since.

If OJ was willing to kill her to not pay her drug debt, why wouldn't he just not pay it and let them kill her :why:
shiiiid ron.. homeboys got caught up ....what makes u think juice said ...:yeshrug:

one of ron's potnas got diced up.. be4 the killings and another got killed afterwards...


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
FBI releases O.J. Simpson investigation documents to the public

The FBI released 475 pages of documents related to the O.J. Simpson investigation for the 1994 double homicides of his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Former NFL star Simpson, who was acquitted of the murders during a sensational trial that dominated the headlines for months, died of prostate cancer in April. He was 76 years old.

The documents had been released previously through new Freedom of Information Act requests – but this is the first time the collection has been made widely available to the public. Evidence collected by the FBI's Miami field office in collaboration with the Los Angeles Police Department represented a significant portion of the posted documents. Multiple released pages focused on the 1991 or 1992 purchase of a pair of Italian luxury Bruno Magli men's shoes.

There were photos of the size 12 shoes, and details about various stores that sold this type of shoes, including a distribution list, and outreach to salespeople who might remember who sold the shoes and where they were shipped.

FBI records included handwritten notes about the shoes, including one that said, "purchased many pairs of shoes for children, son-in-law…"

The FBI traveled to the Bruno Magli factory in Italy in 1995 and obtained shoe molds and soles to give to the Los Angeles Police Department. Laboratory results included in the documents said tests confirmed that the bloody shoe prints found at the crime scene prints were made by Bruno Magli shoes either in the Lorenzo or Lyon style.

The LAPD sent the FBI swatches of fabric from their evidence, including fibers from the infamous white Ford Bronco, which Simpson used to flee police after being served arrest warrants in the homicides.

He and a friend led police on about an hour-and-half car chase while Simpson was holding a gun to his head – and was viewed live on television by at least 95 million people. A copy of Simpson's driver's license was also included in the collection.

Detailed handwritten pages listed various fibers, fabrics and hairs gathered from Simpson and victims Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. There was also a detailed list of photographs, but copies weren't included in the released files.


Luxury Tax

Middleman Money
Sep 6, 2012
Bay Area
FBI releases O.J. Simpson investigation documents to the public

The FBI released 475 pages of documents related to the O.J. Simpson investigation for the 1994 double homicides of his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Former NFL star Simpson, who was acquitted of the murders during a sensational trial that dominated the headlines for months, died of prostate cancer in April. He was 76 years old.

The documents had been released previously through new Freedom of Information Act requests – but this is the first time the collection has been made widely available to the public. Evidence collected by the FBI's Miami field office in collaboration with the Los Angeles Police Department represented a significant portion of the posted documents. Multiple released pages focused on the 1991 or 1992 purchase of a pair of Italian luxury Bruno Magli men's shoes.

There were photos of the size 12 shoes, and details about various stores that sold this type of shoes, including a distribution list, and outreach to salespeople who might remember who sold the shoes and where they were shipped.

FBI records included handwritten notes about the shoes, including one that said, "purchased many pairs of shoes for children, son-in-law…"

The FBI traveled to the Bruno Magli factory in Italy in 1995 and obtained shoe molds and soles to give to the Los Angeles Police Department. Laboratory results included in the documents said tests confirmed that the bloody shoe prints found at the crime scene prints were made by Bruno Magli shoes either in the Lorenzo or Lyon style.

The LAPD sent the FBI swatches of fabric from their evidence, including fibers from the infamous white Ford Bronco, which Simpson used to flee police after being served arrest warrants in the homicides.

He and a friend led police on about an hour-and-half car chase while Simpson was holding a gun to his head – and was viewed live on television by at least 95 million people. A copy of Simpson's driver's license was also included in the collection.

Detailed handwritten pages listed various fibers, fabrics and hairs gathered from Simpson and victims Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. There was also a detailed list of photographs, but copies weren't included in the released files.

:russell: Let me know when they release them GTE phone records...
