Cat piss martini
Sucha Great Woman.

Cacs? You calling @tuckgod a cacCacs and this bullshyt they on lately not wanting their kids and future generations to know their ancestors weren’t shyt so they trying to dismiss/hide actual history. Get over it …history isn’t always supposed to make you feel good. The past has repercussions in the future. It also is to teach you not to make the same mistakes.
He should be banned. Ignore listed him because this place isn't moderated.Negged for disrespecting a great black woman
that's like eternity for people back than
especially for a former slave
People who still support him should slap themselvesKanye needs his elders to slap the shyt outta him...
Yesterday I was browsing the Facebook page for the local PHA lodge and came across thisThe blessing was she lived long enough to free other black people. The longevity itself is meaningless because she was used as a tool. Think of all the intellectual properties that were stolen from her. The years of free labor. Sex abuse. So a black person living long in those days was not really a good thing. It’s only fortunate for the slave owners because they got more out of them.
If given half a chance I would flood the airwaves with these little known facts that is sure to depict those currently in power as frauds. Ron Desantis is trying to water down black history. I got a surprise for you fucck boy.
Myrlie Evers tooharriet tubman, coretta scott king, betty shabazz, rosa parks
may you rot in hell if you ever utter a word or thought of disrespect toward these black women