Official WWE 2K16 Thread [gamescom gameplay footage]


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Whats the problem?

We been knew that the game has it flaws and the shyt is far from perfect. We was just discussing that shyt in here.

Nothing wrong with enjoying the series. We are wrestling fans. This is a wrestling game. Pretty much the only of the genre. 2K is putting in effort into trying to make the series enjoyable again and I am not alone in saying that they succeeded in a lot of areas.
The only complaint i have is the limits in create an entrance and the damage basic strikes and grapples inflict, at least i can change the latter but i hate how little we have in terms of entrance motions.
Anybody played online? How is it? Is it still damn near impossible to kick out of a pin?
Don't play online until you master the new pin/submission system.

:mjlol: can't believe dudes get hyped for this year after year when it's the same old garbage
I can't believe a grown motherfukker has nothing better to do than be all up in someone else's pockets, you didn't give any of us money so you can't tell us how to spend it. And if you hate the game so much why are you talking about it? Sorry to tell you but the game is getting mass approval, so i guess you'll have to sit back and accept that your boycott of the game did absolutely nothing:lolbron:
May 21, 2012
The only complaint i have is the limits in create an entrance and the damage basic strikes and grapples inflict, at least i can change the latter but i hate how little we have in terms of entrance motions.

Don't play online until you master the new pin/submission system.

I can't believe a grown motherfukker has nothing better to do than be all up in someone else's pockets, you didn't give any of us money so you can't tell us how to spend it. And if you hate the game so much why are you talking about it? Sorry to tell you but the game is getting mass approval, so i guess you'll have to sit back and accept that your boycott of the game did absolutely nothing:lolbron:

Boycott? Hatred? You're taking this shyt far too seriously man, all I did was point out it's the same thing every year and you're typing out paragraphs defending it and bringing in arguments & statements I haven't even made :russ:


Apr 15, 2015
As said every single year :sas1:
Nah they actually made a number of changes between 2k14 and 2k16 the match pacing and movements are a lot more fluid and realistic than they used to be, the ai is better and wrestlers show more personality...u clearly havent played the games if u think this is just same ol same ol


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
This patch needs to come through because my CC caws aren't showing up in the saved slots, they're still there but it says empty whenever i download new ones. I have to go to the edit section in caw so i can remember how many slots are used, the regular caws are fine but the ones i set to alt attire are the ones disappearing.


#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
Bruh I just had a fukking classic! :wow: it was AJ Style vs Drago. Back and forth the entire time. Drago kicked out of the Styles clash I was like :dwillhuh: so I went up to use the Phoenix splash finisher. Drago reversed and caught me with a code breaker in midair :damn: busted AJ open but I kicked out right at two. Some more back and forth craziness including me kicking out of Dragos signature move until I finally hit the splash for the W :ohlawd:

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Its as much the same as any game released annually can be. The gameplay is totally different. Matches have a different pace and feel. Animations were improved. Features were brought back and added. Last year deserved the hate it got. This year's does not.

Complaining about the game only illustrates that people dont know how games work. In order to create an entirely new game it would take YEARS. The 2k series piggybacked off of the THQ series and essentially would have to stop production completely in order create an entirely new game with different physics. Vince McMahon isnt going to wait for a game to come out every couple of years to please a minority who are downright unreasonable. Neither is 2k.

Now to debunk the bullshyt.

1) You will never get another No Mercy. Closest thing since then was Wrestle Kingdom back in 07. It was ok at best. It doesnt translate well to next gen. Day of Reckoning 2 is also a way better game than No Mercy btw.

2) If Here Comes The Pain is the best most recent game, realize what youre saying. That game is the more closely resembles Smackdown 1 graphics and gameplay than any game theyve released since. This logic has holes. The only thing HCTP has over this game is the roster which can largely be created if they arent there already.

3) TNA graphics were photoshopped and was a LOT more bare bones than any WWE game. It was also released after months and months of setbacks and delays. Even at launch it was underwhelming and repetitive so they are not a logical argument.

At the end of the day its to each their own but if anyone argues that the game is the same as the first smackdown, they are wrong :manny:


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Its as much the same as any game released annually can be. The gameplay is totally different. Matches have a different pace and feel. Animations were improved. Features were brought back and added. Last year deserved the hate it got. This year's does not.

Complaining about the game only illustrates that people dont know how games work. In order to create an entirely new game it would take YEARS. The 2k series piggybacked off of the THQ series and essentially would have to stop production completely in order create an entirely new game with different physics. Vince McMahon isnt going to wait for a game to come out every couple of years to please a minority who are downright unreasonable. Neither is 2k.

Now to debunk the bullshyt.

1) You will never get another No Mercy. Closest thing since then was Wrestle Kingdom back in 07. It was ok at best. It doesnt translate well to next gen. Day of Reckoning 2 is also a way better game than No Mercy btw.

2) If Here Comes The Pain is the best most recent game, realize what youre saying. That game is the more closely resembles Smackdown 1 graphics and gameplay than any game theyve released since. This logic has holes. The only thing HCTP has over this game is the roster which can largely be created if they arent there already.

3) TNA graphics were photoshopped and was a LOT more bare bones than any WWE game. It was also released after months and months of setbacks and delays. Even at launch it was underwhelming and repetitive so they are not a logical argument.

At the end of the day its to each their own but if anyone argues that the game is the same as the first smackdown, they are wrong :manny:

yea these complainers are so annoying, if you don't like the game then don't come in the game thread, if you are going to give an opinion do so with well thought out facts and even then I wont care cause this game is really good this year and it sucks to be those people who cant find enjoyment in something so many people like.. and yes I played wcw/now revenge, 1389074893628568329 times when it was out, I never playe no mercy cause N64 was overall wack by the time it came out to me, but did play ALL of the smackdown games with the exception of last year.. This game is better, the HCTP type games seemed better cause wrestling as a whole was different at the time, it was more about violence and over the top action. This years game more resembles the current PG product..

None of those games were any fun playing the cpu and none of them had as good of a career mode, you add the greatly improved gameplay and you are an idiot if you think this game isn't better


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Its as much the same as any game released annually can be. The gameplay is totally different. Matches have a different pace and feel. Animations were improved. Features were brought back and added. Last year deserved the hate it got. This year's does not.

Complaining about the game only illustrates that people dont know how games work. In order to create an entirely new game it would take YEARS. The 2k series piggybacked off of the THQ series and essentially would have to stop production completely in order create an entirely new game with different physics. Vince McMahon isnt going to wait for a game to come out every couple of years to please a minority who are downright unreasonable. Neither is 2k.

Now to debunk the bullshyt.

1) You will never get another No Mercy. Closest thing since then was Wrestle Kingdom back in 07. It was ok at best. It doesnt translate well to next gen. Day of Reckoning 2 is also a way better game than No Mercy btw.

2) If Here Comes The Pain is the best most recent game, realize what youre saying. That game is the more closely resembles Smackdown 1 graphics and gameplay than any game theyve released since. This logic has holes. The only thing HCTP has over this game is the roster which can largely be created if they arent there already.

3) TNA graphics were photoshopped and was a LOT more bare bones than any WWE game. It was also released after months and months of setbacks and delays. Even at launch it was underwhelming and repetitive so they are not a logical argument.

At the end of the day its to each their own but if anyone argues that the game is the same as the first smackdown, they are wrong :manny:
1.THANK YOU!!!. I loved No Mercy back when it came out, but if they came out with a game like that now i'd be straight:stopitslime:. And thank you for bringing up DOR2, that game gets slept on by damn near everyone and it's top 5 for me.

2.HCTP is also top 5 just off roster & move sets alone.

3. Nice to see you weren't fooled by the TNA pics like a lot of people, while the game looked nice it was horrible to play and the only positive was the story mode.