Random info:
HBK wm14 attire is fully accurate (back of trunks has the DX)
No arena change option for royal rumble match.
Title belt of Tyler under the jackets. Looks great. Y2j belt is over jacket unfortunately.
No chamber tornado
Yes you can edit the face paint of created wrestlers. But no to exsisting ones (startdust is stuck with the red and silver im afraid, even if you change the colors of his entire outfit.
No preset diva intros.
Yes you can select current and former divas clothing parts (no preset WWE diva templets), so you'll have to do it manually part by part.
YES to superstart attire edit. It's great. Already changed Zigglar's to tights instead of trunks.
logo set sizes as follows:
Face photo
Christian does not have a preset alt. attire and there are non for him on the unlock-able attire menu.
Ultimate warrior and Finn Balor are the only with alternative attire ready from get go.
Just like the RR, the EC match can only be in the EC arena
Cannot edit the SS hair / makeup at all.. just attire.
You cannot select a preset alternate attire to editLadder matches seems no different than last years. The only new thing I saw was when I tried to run on the ladder leaning on the ropes. the ladder slipped and I fell on the ropes between my legs. Cool tiny detail (not sure if it was in k15).
There is a running leg drop.. without hogan taunt. No Hogan taunts or comeback

Double Finishers are same as last year (AA, Chokeslam, F5 and ShellShock)
Catching Finishers are same as last year too. No powerbomb catching finisher

Also, no KO apron powerbomb
Finn Balor default attire. Demon Balor Alt. cannot be edited.
No fan service in the music section. No NWO no DX or anything other than the same lame generic ones from last year plus one or two new ones maybe. They all suck tho. Though I am sure that Some of the good ones aren't there cuz they need to be unlocked first.
Weapons physics is SO Much better now. Animation and reversals of weapon attacks are sweet and fluid. weapons don't break.
new combacks are:
Balor CB 1
Balor CB 2
Itami CB
New OMG Suicide:
Suicide Senton
Suicide Spear (like Big E does)
Tope Con Giro
Tope Con Hilo 2
Alt Attires for Superstars
It is the same as last year. The attire end up taking 1 of the 100 slots. Either as just attire or as independent superstar. Not really sure if anything can be done to avoid the slot save for the attire.