Official WWE 2K16 Thread [gamescom gameplay footage]

Johnny Joestar

Feb 17, 2013
Lol y'all actually use divas :mjlol:

:yeshrug: this mightve been the first year i really do play them

bruh, playing as Sasha kicking the shyt out of Eva Marie would have been :blessed:worthy


nikkas that make CAWS and shyt will have all four of them up probably 1 to 2 hours after the game comes out

:manny: when they do make em, imma download and i wont be mad

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Chances are their finishers wont be in the game for caw creators to make them properly


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Lol y'all actually use divas :mjlol:
I've had some of the best matches using the divas, but the fact that Sasha isn't in but fukkING EVA MARIE is pisses me off:pacspit: Sasha was one of the first people scanned for the game so her not being in makes no sense, i guarantee that the company influences Visual Concepts roster decisions. I remember when they sent a letter to a game magazine requesting them not to show any pics of Triple H getting his ass kicked.
A few weeks ago it was reported that Fighting Spirit, a magazine based out of the U.K. that covers professional wrestling as well as MMA, had revealed portions of the private memo World Wrestling Entertainment/THQ sent out to members of the video gaming press covering the upcoming SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 video game. WWE wants to control how SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 is portrayed in previews when displaying screenshots of the game. What with WWE’s new toned-down, PG-rated product, the video gaming press is forbidden from showing screenshots of any of the Superstars bleeding or using weapons. However, the really interesting part coming out of the memo is that WWE/THQ said the video gaming press is forbidden from showing screenshots of digital Triple H “in a defenseless or vulnerable position.” There was said to be some major heat between WWE and Fighting Spirit as information from the memo wasn’t supposed to be publicly revealed.

Fellow U.K. wrestling magazine Power Slam corroborated the situation in a recent issue, most notably, the portion of the memo concerning Triple H not being shown in a weak or vulnerable position. Power Slam reveals that WWE/THQ did not ask anyone else on the WWE roster be ‘protected’ in this manner, only Triple H.

Below are the two magazines’ respective articles on the situation:

Digital Politics (Fighting Spirit Issue No. 32)
WWE videogame feels the Triple H Effect

We all know how much Triple H loves squashing five guys on Raw or killing Kenny Dykstra for no good reason on SmackDown. The extent to which he’s protected and booked to look indestructible on WWE television is an old and very sad story. So maybe it was inevitable that the same mentality would spill over into WWE’s video games, too.

With SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 out in November, early game code has been sent out to videogames press. And one of our button-bashing buddies got in touch to inform us of some new directives that game journalists must abide by with this year’s version of the game.

“Got WWE preview code yesterday and, as always, screenshots have to be approved if we decide to take our own. So far, so usual. But here’s the interesting part: there are further stipulations that highlight which screenshots will immediately be given the thumbs down.

These include screenshots of ‘superstars’ (not allowed to refer to them as wrestlers) bleeding, weapons being used… and we’re not allowed to take ANY screenshots of Triple H losing or ANY screenshots of Triple H in a ‘defenceless or vulnerable position’. Oh, and the game still sucks.”

That’s right, Hunter is so paranoid about protecting his spot that he’s holding down people in videogames! What a dork. Fortunately, his very own theme song tells us that, “It’s all about the game, and how you play it / It’s all about control and if you can take it.” Well, we have taken control and we’ve made sure Triple H is both defenceless and vulnerable in the screenshot to the left. Sorry Paul!

Preferential Treatment (Power Slam Issue 171/October 2008)

THQ, publisher of the forthcoming SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 video game, has helpfully distributed a WWE-approved list of guidelines which all magazines are expected to adhere to concerning screenshots used in conjunction with reviews of the game.

Attempting to minimise the violence in the game, WWE and THQ have decreed: “Do NOT show blood.” And, “If using weapons, do not show anything with significant force (or intent to have).” These directives are in accordance with WWE’s new toned-down, PG-rated product.

However, we’re not sure how WWE and THQ can justify the clause pertaining to Triple H in the SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 screenshot guidelines. It states: “Refrain from showing Triple H in a losing/defeated/defenceless position.” THQ does not ask that anyone else on the WWE roster be ‘protected’ in this manner: magazines are only forbidden from printing screenshots of HHH “in a losing/defeated/defenceless position.”

Is that guy insecure, or what?
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I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I've had some of the best matches using the divas, but the fact that Sasha isn't in but fukkING EVA MARIE is pisses me off:pacspit: Sasha was one of the first people scanned for the game so her not being in makes no sense, i guarantee that the company influences Visual Concepts roster decisions. I remember when they sent a letter to a game magazine requesting them not to show any pics of Triple H getting his ass kicked.
That was not an accident, so you gone tell me they went to nxt to get scans of Eva, cass and enzo but conveintly overlooked the people anyone cares about?

I dont know who is behind this forced eva push, its not going to amount to anything and I am possitive however many fans she has from total divas, banks has just as many from the acual wrestling world.. WWE really think they can control who gets over
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Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Wonder if they're gonna do a twitter q&a like last year.

Just realized about D'Lo this is Farooqs nation, not Rocks so we might not get the head snapping D'Lo


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
I really want "Danger at the Door" D'lo but i aint complaining.
I'm just glad we finally get D-Lo back in a wrestling game. Sasha was the only new diva that i really wanted to be in the game, the wwe is taking it too far now because the're fukking with peoples game enjoyment. It's one thing to play politics in the company realm but they're crossing over into the game realm.

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
The Voretex: Community Manager Comments
A few of us have suggested an idea where the feedback from our Community Manager, Bryan "Don't Google his surname, seriously!" Vore, is put together in one FAQ-like thread so that everyone can have quick access to points that are made without having to search for it. So here it is!

I'll use quotes for them so if anyone wants to get to that particular post within the thread, they can click the blue arrow icon that's next to the name. Here's what we've had so far, any new comments will get new posts.

On XBone pre-orders...

There will be a digital pre-order for Xbox One. I wish I could provide an exact date when it will go live, but for now all I can say is soon.
Other members have stated that pre-orders on the XBone only go up when the game can be pre-downloaded straight away.

Being scanned is just the start...

Hey all,

I chatted with Visual Concept's Mark Little about scanning and roster inclusion to clear things up about how it's all done. Interesting read!

"When we travel to do scanning sessions we scan everyone that we can get into our scan booth. WWE Superstars and Divas are very busy so we take every opportunity to scan them regardless of whether or not we are using the scans for the upcoming game. We want to have as many scanned as possible because the scan is the starting point for us adding someone to the game.

It is true that it only takes around 5-10 minutes to scan the SS and Divas but that is step 1 in a long process. After they are scanned it takes our team about 2 months to complete modeling work from start to finish. The kicker is that the model is only part of the work required to add a SS or Diva into the game. Entrances, moves, taunts, attire, entrance attire, music and roster images all need to get developed. In addition, we need to record commentary for each SS and Diva which is a large undertaking all on its own. So, as you can see, scanning a SS or Diva is the least amount of work involved in getting someone into the game.

Ohh and by the way, we have almost filled the double layered Blu-Ray media. We have been working very very hard.

On Breakouts in Player vs CPU...

Hey all,

We noticed some confusion on this topic so we reached out to Operation Sports to clarify. Link and new text is below. Hope it clears things up!

"UPDATE: (9-8-15) We have just received official word from 2K and wanted to update the last couple of sentences (from above).

In Exhibition breakouts are allowed in Player vs Player and Player vs AI matches. At this point we do not have the AI performing breakouts during Player vs AI matches but it is something we are looking at for the future."

On the GameStop Italy "ad"...

This is fake. Any characters listed are just someone's random guesses.

On alternate attires...

I'm trying to get some info on some of the alternate versions of announced characters (Masked Kane and 2015 Mark Henry, for example). I'll let you know if I hear anything!

There are many unannounced alternate versions of characters. Hope to drill into the specifics soon!

On when DLC info will come out...

Using last year's DLC announce timing is probably a good call. We've still got plenty of base game content to go over.
Previous years suggest
1-2 weeks before release day, it's normally the last thing.

On "inaccurate" attires...

Hey everyone. Thanks for starting this thread. When you notice something about the game that you'd like tweaked we're glad to hear it. I checked with Mark Little on the subject and hope this offers some clarification.

"We submit the models looking as close to real life as possible to the WWE for approval. We are obligated to follow feedback/requests for changes from the WWE. The shorts are one thing that we are consistently asked to adjust. We continue to strive to deliver the most authentic experience possible and continue to work with the WWE to make that a reality for the fans. We make sure the WWE hears your feedback as well where it can help. Please remember to be respectful in these forums. It is hard to show the WWE threads on our forums from the fans if they devolve into name calling and personal attacks. Respectful and well thought out critiques are much more effective and impactful."

On removing masks...

Originally Posted by Vore2K
Good question! Here's what I got from Mark Little:

"The WWE has strict rules around how we represent the past and present WWE SS/Diva in the game. For SS and Divas that wear masks we are not allowed to remove them in game. This follows the long standing tradition that if you remove a luchador's mask, that is the end of that persona. Of course like all things WWE there are some special cases like Kane and Mankind who we are allowed to show without masks as well. For masked SS like Fernando, Diego, Kalisto or Sin Cara; we uphold the tradition, the mask cannot be removed."

On changing facepaint...

Not sure on the facepaint question. I'll see what I can find out.

On Cody Rhodes (not as Stardust) being in the game...

From Mr. Mark Little:

"We requested to have Cody Rhodes in WWE 2K16 but it was not approved by the WWE. Much like the masked wrestlers, the WWE doesn’t like to mix personas of active roster Superstars and Divas. If the alternate persona is from long enough ago then we are sometimes allowed to include the alternate persona, but with recent history that is generally not allowed."

On Community Creations of the "unmentionables" in wrestling (eg: Benoit/Hogan)...

We're still determining the official standards for creation. I'll be sure to post the complete guidelines in the forums before launch.

On AJ Lee not being in the game...

She's not with the company anymore and thus wasn't approved for inclusion. This isn't a big mystery.
On non-Horsewoman Divas (eg: Lita/Trish) as DLC...

We're not talking DLC yet beyond the announcement. However, today's story only ruled out the Horsewomen. Take that as you will.