Congrats to BASED ORTON
Match (1)
@Capn Murph Triple Threat In Progress 94014
@Cycloneon Triple Threat In Progress 96268
@VillanoVIII Triple Threat In Progress 97077
Match (2)
@LordLoco TSC DIVO Championship Contender In Progress 93701
@Lucky Millionaire TSC DIVO Championship Contender In Progress 93831
@We Ready TSC DIVO Champion In Progress 95819
@3Rivers TSC DIVO Championship Contender In Progress 93720
Match (3)
@Nigmund Freud TSC Cruiserweight Champion In Progress 94228
@Skyjacker TSC Cruiserweight Contender In Progress 92483
Match (4)
@jackswstd TSC TV Championship Contender In Progress 92345
@The Rainmaker TSC TV Champion In Progress 94926
Match (5)
@YvrzTrvly TSC US Championship Contender 0 Stars 96680
BrehWyatt Died at the Buffet 0 Stars 0
Match (6)
@KingBeez TSC World Champion In Progress 93657
@Wheresmypassport TSC World Championship Contender In Progress 95725