thanks. trying to more research into West AfricaThis is actually a GOOD question everyone should be asking themselves. Because the distance/closeness seems blurry as hell.
Anyways, this is how I personally see it. Based on recent studies I read it seems West Africans are NOT monolithic. I'll try and explain the best I can. West Africa was populated throughout different times with DIFFERENT groups. While West Africans men are mostly united under "E1b1a" subclade of E(the main ancestral lineage of Africa but not the only one) and L2(the main female ancestry lineage), there are still some differences especially with admixture. West Africans and Bantus are also united under a large languge family i.e "Niger-Congo." However, the language family is so damn big that some linguistics feel certain languages can be their OWN language family.
Anyways @fatima_babyy people(Fulanis), Wolof and other Atlantic and Sahelian West Africans are a bit different than Lower West Africans like Yoruba, Beninese, Akans, etc. West Africa is a big ass melting pot with many groups like Niger-Congo speakers(the main West Africans), Nilo-Saharans and EVEN Berbers. The reason why I am saying this is because while Bantus do supposedly come from West Africa it depends on the area/West Africans they come from. Think of it like this... Us New World Blacks/Diasporans ancestors come from Africa. But only ONE region of Africa: West-Central Africa. We don't come from East, South or North Africa(if so only a few slaves). We as New World Blacks only represent a small diversity of indignous African diversity.
Anyways, the ancestors of Bantus mainly came from what I call "Southeast" West Africa... I.e Igboland/Cameroon. This is why we have "Bantoid" like groups in that region of Africa. Bantu people only descend from one small region of West Africa. Mind you, West Africa is a big ass region. Heck the Bantu languages only descend from ONE language family within Niger-Congo. This is why in my opinion... Akans, Fulanis, Wolof, Hausas, Mandinkas, etc,etc. But then it gets more complicated... Because there ARE differences between even Bantus themselves!! When Bantus migrated throughout Africa and conquered different groups they absorbed different groups which effected their genetic structure. Central African Bantus like Congolese absorbed a lot of pygmy admixture. Which is why IMO they have that light red-like complexion that Pygmy people adapted. East African Bantus absorbed a lot of Nilo-Saharan and Southern Cushyte admixture. Bantus like the Tutsi's absorbed A LOT of Cushyte admixture. Kenyan Bantus absorbed A LOT of Nilo-Saharan admixture.
And finally Southern African Bantus absorbed a lot of Khoisan admixture which is why SOME South Africans have that pale yellow and "asian eyes" look. So even Bantus to an extent differentiate from one another. And so by absorbing new DNA NOT FOUND in West Africa they basically became their own new identity within Africa.
Anyways, my bad for the long ass post. And again this is just my opinion.
sidenote: my Mandingo ancestry may be much smaller than i thought