Lowkey, I think Iran aint about it. Trump pulled their card, so now they need to show they are really a force. Otherwise, they just gonna keep looking soft.
I think they're about it bruh...
People really don't get how big of a deal this guy is across literally the entire middle east. The closest fictional comparison (cause there sure as hell ain't any actual historical precedent to the US doing something like this so suddenly) I can even try to imagine would be Korea or the Soviets dropping a cruise missile on
Eisenhower himself and another top NATO general (Soleimani wasn't the only high ranking official killed in this strike remember...) in the 50s... right outside of the Washington National Airport of all fukkin places!!!
And for those of y'all parroting Republican warmongering hot takes like "AmErIcA iS uNdEfEaTaBlE iN gRoUnD wArFaRe ThO" and "Iran is no match for us!1111"... familiarize yourself with the Millenium Challenge 2002, an actual simulation of what asymmetrical warfare with Iran would actually look like for us:
The lost lesson of Millennium Challenge 2002, the Pentagon's embarrassing post-9/11 war game
Lt. Gen. B. B. Bell led the American Forces Blue Team against his enemy Red Team, conveniently left unnamed but bearing a striking resemblance to Iraqi and Iranian defense forces. The Reds were led by retired Marine Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper, known at the time as a controversial yet effective Oppositional Forces (OPFOR) commander. Van Riper knew his side suffered a technological disadvantage and adopted asymmetrical strategies to use against the American forces — with devastating results.
Using low tech communications such as light signals and motorcycle messengers to relay his plans to his forces, Van Riper's OPFOR eventually unleashed chaos by confusing the ultra-sophisticated Aegis radar system of the looming U.S. Navy fleet with a barrage of missiles. Once they were blinded, speedboats laden with explosives on kamikaze runs came barreling in and took out nineteen ships.
The attack took ten minutes and resulted in 20,000 casualties for the Blue Team. It was a humiliating episode: the United States, the foremost military power on the planet, had just suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of a smaller and lesser-equipped force. The Blue Team hadn't just lost — it had lost miserably.
And that doesn't even start to factor in the Iranian sleeper cells all over the entire globe, the new cyber attacking initiatives possible in 2020, or the undeniable fact that Iran is most certainly booting up that nuclear weapons program in full force once again after this...