I can respect that. Like I said earlier, it just feels like Amaru was worried that pac's music would sound dated for the current demographic. But by updating those tracks they ended up alienating alot of big pac fans as well (and it's even funnier imo because most of those original tracks have aged better than alot of the tracks they remixed lmao)
RUSD has alot of really great remixes, but this some arelike Enemies With Me and I'm Losing It
Still I Rise had some underrated cuts too. The title track itself is up there with the original. I enjoyed the beat for You Can Be Touched, but I wish that pac's original verse was there as well (from what I've read pac wrote the verse for Napoleon so it makes sense that Napoleon is on there instead of pac... but pac's delivery was was better lol)
Deathrow did a good job keeping those songs as close to the original as possible. Friends sounded okay considering that the Whodini sample was removed. Thug Nature is pretty great. I don't think Who Do You Believe In was any different from the version on Better Dayz. Was Late Night any different? I know the original had Quik and another rapper on it and the Better Dayz version had Fatal and Kadafi but I don't remember the TGFR version
Yeah, I agree with everything in the first paragraph. I made a post on here the other week briefly saying what I thought their biggest mistakes were. Everything was literally a complete clusterfukk...
"Enemies With Me" is by far one the worst remixes to be released. That was a song they couldn't get the sampled cleared for though.
Definitely. Still I Rise was probably the most cohesive 2Pac project that was released posthumously too. No filler tracks, no random guest appearances. It's a shame they didn't follow this structure for the future releases...
I think the "Who Do You Believe In" on Chronic 2000 is slightly different and closer to the actual original. I can't remember if "Late Night" was any different, but I definitely know it was close to the original for the production.
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