Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!


<--- Cleveland Browns winning that many, boi!
Jul 28, 2012
Brilliant analysis on terrorism, but he’s wrong about the timeline. This is the end. Our cycle began with the ending of Reconstruction and the fight against Black Americans voting. 120-130 years later, the natural course of how this would play out has come to its conclusion. Black people’s votes, when counted fairly, have the power to change elections in their favor.

As life expectancy increased, the generations spanned out in a manner that extended power for the “Greatest Generation”. That’s why you still have people who were born prior to the Civil Rights movement still in power today; The Boomers. This is a major part of the problem because the world you live in shapes your worldview of what is acceptable. So now as Trumps, Grassleys, McConnells, and to an extent the Pelosis and Feinsteins leave power.... you’ll see the last powder kegs lit to attempt to instill fear, but with new leadership will come new world views. Lee Atwater explained it to them already and now that they’ve reverted..... The nation has rebuked them. Legislative warfare was always seen as acceptable, but now that war has been lost.

This is the last gasp of this movement, because unlike Sri Lanka, White Americans have money, land, security, and amenities that smaller, less developed nations could not imagine. So now that the hammer is being laid down, it’s no longer going to be palatable to what we consider “fringe white nationalists” to take 5, 10, 15, or 20 years for the cause. And once you run out of willing soldiers, that’s the end.

It was a big deal when Doug Jones prosecuted the bombers of the 16th Street Baptist Church 40 years after the fact in the early 2000s but that’s because the times, leadership and viewpoints had changed. With last week, yes they were let go, but they have been picked up and charged. Next time, they probably won’t make it out with their lives. The screw is tightening. It’s gonna be a hell of a 3-5 years. But this is the end.
Good post but I don't necessarily agree with your timeline process.

Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015
These sick fukks are always talking about unity and doing things the correct way.

This county really ain't never been united in the way they like to think it has been.

And then as far as the impeachment, they want to talk about doing it through right way, doing an investigation as if this motherfukker ain't been playing in their faces the entire time. :unimpressed: