
I’ve read through the evidence section—the first 85 pages—of Jack Smith filing on Trump’s private criminal efforts to stay in power despite knowing that he’d lost the election.
The evidence is stunning. It’s clear why Trump did not want the public to see this testimony.
13 things jumped out to me on Trump’s attempt to defraud the American people and steal the 2020 election.
1. The evidence presented in Jack Smith’s filing all comes from Trump insiders under oath. People within Trump’s circle of trust. Republicans dedicated to Trump.
2) Before election day, Trump told campaign insiders that he would declare victory regardless of the results.
That he would assert that only votes on election day counted.
Reason? Trump wanted to exclude mail-in ballots that he knew favored Biden (despite having voted by mail himself).
3) By November 13th, Trump knew he had no evidence of election fraud and had the lost legal challenges that could allow him to win the election. By November 13th!
Still, Trump continued to lie publicly about election fraud.
4) Lawyers and campaign insiders repeatedly told Trump that his claims of election fraud were untrue, were “bullshyt,” and they would be slaughtered in court. Trump responded, “The details don’t matter.”
When Trump couldn’t get respectable lawyers to do what he wanted, Trump hired new, crackpot lawyers who would.
5) Mike Pence was loyal up to the end. Pence repeatedly tried to talk Trump down and accept defeat as “an intermission” and advised that Trump could run again in 2024.
6) Trump “personally set the fake electors plan in motion in early December, ensured it was carried out by co-conspirators and campaign agents in the targeted states, and monitored its progress.”
7) Many fake electors in the fake elector plot were conned. Alternate electors were told that they would only be used if Trump prevailed in legal cases, and when others figured out what they were doing was illegal, they were replaced.
It was a scramble up to December 14th to get fake electors assembled and fake documents signed.
Trump was repeatedly updated during the entire process and gave public tweets saying the election could not be certified to provide cover for these fake electors.
8) Pence repeatedly refused to go along with the fake electors’ scheme. On January 1st, Trump told Pence: “Hundreds of thousands of people are going to hate your guts… You’re too honest.”
9) As Trump’s pressure campaign on Pence ramped up, Pence kept notes. At one point, having 5 pages of contemporaneous notes from a meeting of all the batshyt crazy stuff Trump was asserting and how Trump wanted Pence to throw out the lawful certifications.
On January 5th, when Pence refused—yet again, Trump threatened Pence: “I’m going to have to say you did a great disservice.”
10) Trump knew Pence had refused repeatedly to go along with the fake electors’ scheme when Trump issued a public statement on January 5th—a lie giving false hopes to supporters attending the rally on January 6th: “The Vice President and I are of total agreement that the Vice President has the power to act…”
11) When Trump spoke at the Ellipse on January 6th, he knew Pence wouldn’t throw out the legally certified electors.
Trump knew his only hope to delay the certification of Joe Biden as president is the angry mob before him—which is why Trump encouraged them to march down to the Capitol.
Trump lied to the crowd about false election claims. Trump lied to crowd that states didn’t mean to certify and wanted their certifications back.
12) Trump watched the mob attack the Capitol on TV.
Even after the attack, when Trump learned that certification would still proceed later that night, around 7PM, Trump directed REDACTED to make phone calls to Republican Senators to try to stop certification.
Jack Smith has voicemails of those messages.
13) It’s still shocking how close America came to losing our democracy on January 6th, 2024. Trump’s coup nearly succeeded.
Utterly shocking to see this evidence laid out and realize that corrupt judges on SCOTUS have kept Trump from being held accountable for his crimes up to now.
When you see this mountain of evidence, it sure looks like Trump isn’t running to help America. He’s running to make this case go away and stay out of jail.
You can read the evidence Jack Smith has assembled for yourself.
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