Jack needs to go ahead and ask for a recusal
He should've done it after the first ruling. Imo he'll just bring charges in NJ while she stalls.You really out here doubting like Hack ain’t about to get her bushed?
You don’t see his play? He lets her hang herself before he pounces on her..He should've done it after the first ruling. Imo he'll just bring charges in NJ while she stalls.
One of you real smart brehs have to explain to me why in the hell this ain't treason. Real talk.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
The specific crime of treason is defined in the Constitution (Article III, Section 3) as follows:
As egregious as this is, I don't think this is treason, at least not technically.
That said, I think he should already be locked up, but this should definitely earn him a time out from society