Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
Killa Kemp not holding back
Killa Kemp not holding back
But Hunter and Biden is old.
Without my subsequent, personal authorization, the DCNG is not authorized the following:
You may employ the DCNG Quick Reaction Force (QRF) only as a last resort and in response to a request from an appropriate civil authority. If the QRF is so employed, DCNG personnel will be clearly marked and/or distinguished from civilian law enforcement personnel, and you will notify me immediately upon your authorization.
- To be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or ballistic protection equipment such as helmets, and body armor.
- To interact physically with protestors, except when necessary in self-defense or defense of others, consistent with the DCNG Rules for the Use of Force.
- To employ any riot control agents.
- To share equipment with law enforcement agencies.
- To use Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets or to conduct ISR or Incident, Awareness, and Assessment activities.
- To employ helicopters or any other air assets.
- To conduct searches, seizures, arrests, or other similar direct law enforcement activity.
- To seek support from any non-DCNG National Guard units. [...]
Did Trump Defense Secretary 'Disarm' DC National Guard Before Insurrection?
The claim stemmed from a Jan. 4 memo authored by former acting Defense Security Christopher Miller.www.snopes.com
It's not her fault. It's the systemThe DA is already fukking up.
That lady from the DA office was terrible