Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
Oh word??

Feds bout to go through those servers like


Despite claims that the company will have a hands-off approach to moderation, there are still rules and guidelines to follow. There's no spam allowed; no posts in support of terrorist organizations; no defamation or blackmailing; no "fighting words" or "threats to harm" others; no pornography, obscenity, or indecency; and no posts encouraging marijuana since it's still "federally illegal."

The process of signing up for an account also requires a phone number, and getting verified on Parler requires a scan of your driver's license and a photo of yourself. Twitter, on the other hand, only needs a request for consideration sent to the company's verification team.

Since Parler's verification process asks for close personal information, Matze has already been busy banning verified "teenage leftists" that are raiding Parler posts with spam.

However, the amount of personal information and the sudden promotion of the site has put some right-wing users on edge. There are already conspiracy theories and questions about what happens to the personal data the company takes.

Furthermore, the Parler terms of service states that users agree to cover all legal costs if a post turns out to be defamatory and is taken to court.

"Parler will have the right to conduct its own defense, at your expense, in any action or proceeding covered by this indemnity," the terms state (emphasis added).

What is Parler and why won't conservatives shut up about it?

Unless things have changed, they have phone numbers and Drivers licenses. Feds need to shut down and seize the site. As soon as these far right groups are labeled domestic terrorists, the site is fukked.


Tru grit
Jul 5, 2012

so im to believe that after the rally all the magats left and antifa showed up disguised as trump supporters so they could break into the capitol and stop biden from being president:stopitslime:...was the woman that got blowed away antifa too????