I enjoyed the first episode and didn't expect that at the end, I also liked after the first episode everyone after was 30 mins. , Kev showed his moments of good acting mostly the comedic scenes. And as always Snipes was terrific. the supporting cast did okay as well but I wont nit pick with them.
It definitely dragged longer than expected; Also parts of the writing was terrible, not tyler perry bad but the first episode which gave a good origins into carltons character you could easily see "kidd" was set up and carlton had something to do with. The foreshadowing in this movie really sucked and was easy to figure out.
Hart was good in moments but a lot of his acting was cringeworthy like the scene where he messed up the hotel room which was supposed to be a serious moment but he struggled to even tear down the curtains which made it comedic.
Also his bodyguard asking for the beyond weird "6million" and made it seem like the movie was going to go into a ground hog day. Him asking for that money made no sense considering he confessed everything to them EXCEPT killing his brother and he also told Don Lemon on camera. So that bodyguard angle made no sense unless he just wanted to reward him for his loyalty..
And the whole dialogue in the end with Hart looking into the camera seemed more about him and his struggles in real life versus the movie. Very soap operish....I just cant take him serious as a serious actor, it just didn't seem authentic to me and it threw off the movie/series for me.
I binged it like everyone else, its a good watch if you're on a flight with nothing to do but I wouldn't watch it again; 2 out of 5 for me....