Official Triangle, NC/Raleigh-Durham thread...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC

It's obvious he the kinda brother who prefers white women, he talked about white women all video long lol...

Glenwood is a 10/10 experience, it brings people from all over the city and metro. Glenwood has the densest collection of bars, clubs, restaurants in the city...

Downtown Raleigh as a whole though, is not 10/10; there's too many cities in Rgh's weight class that have stronger downtowns. Morgan Street and Peace are generally mundane and underwhelming. The Fayetteville to Wilmington to Blount stretch is really good, 7 or 8/10. Rest of DTR is cheeks, and I'd say DTR as a whole is around a 6 or 7. Which is a marked improvement from when I first saw DTR in December '05. It was a 3 or 4 then...


May 20, 2012
Man, I miss the Triangle:mjcry:.

I haven’t been down in 2 yrs.

The best people, food - If I ever leave the DMV I’m moving back.

My second home :wow:.

Those are my top 2 choices to relocate to. The DMV and the Triangle. Besides cost of living, what other advantages do you get living in the triangle? The triangle doesn't have a casino, nearby beach ( correct me if wrong )or any pro sports teams. What area wins in these categories- Food, shopping, things to do, education(K-12 and also college), safety, health care (best hospitals with quality care)


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Those are my top 2 choices to relocate to. The DMV and the Triangle. Besides cost of living, what other advantages do you get living in the triangle? The triangle doesn't have a casino, nearby beach ( correct me if wrong )or any pro sports teams. What area wins in these categories- Food, shopping, things to do, education(K-12 and also college), safety, health care (best hospitals with quality care)

DMV is gonna win in all these areas. Only area it loses is cost if living, but everything about it is multiples more than Triangle...

That said cost of living is a huge factor to many people, and is to me too. I'd have to make way more than I do now, like twice my salary minimum, to even consider a move back to Nova/The District. We do have a big league team here, the NHL Hurricanes who are very popular and supported locally, and are hosting next year's Stadium Series. I really wanna go and I'm not even really a hockey guy...

This is a really safe area overall with a robust black culture, easily one of the greatest places to be black in the US. We have representation on school boards, city councils, public offices, and in the cultural scenes. There is enough to do to not be perpetually bored, though I definitely wouldn't say this shyt is big city popping; but we aren't some tiny town area with nothing to do...

I love high level diversity abd integration and you really only get that in a few doses here, but I'll also add that even without that race relations are better here than most places...

Education is great on all levels, Healthcare is great on all levels, and you are close enough for day trips to other cities of size, to the beaches, and to the mountains, if those are your things...

Not a perfect place to live for me, still hope to leave one day but the reality is my kids are here abd for all intents and purposes I could be here a long time. And all things fair, I've lived worse places....


Nov 25, 2015
I’m coming down in the coming weeks. what’s a nice chill spot? hoes, drinks, game?


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
I've lived in Raleigh many years.

I've lived in Durham many years.

The truth:

Overrated, overpriced, and underwhelming = Raleigh

Underrated, overpriced, but meets expectations = Durham

Durham will always be a better fit for me personally because at least Durham has culture. It has, idk, soul. An identity.

Raleigh has no soul, no identity, and is full of tryhard culture. Tryhard nikkas. Tryhard cacs.

While Durham maybe dirtier, a little poorer, and more violent, those are the very things that molded it and gave Durham a soul. A pulse, so to speak. Something you can put your finger on and feel upon arrival. Durham people are far more genuine than Raleigh people. The city feels far Blacker than Raleigh does. And it it's Black history still lives on in the streets, in the buildings, in the street names, in the neighborhood names, etc.

Currently living in Charlotte now for the past 4 years and while it's bigger and more glitzy and glammed than both Raleigh and Durham, Charlotte is also just another overpriced, way overrated, and highly underwhelming city. It takes a while longer to realize it upon first arriving, but once you've been here a year or so and have began to get into the daily living, you begin to peel back the layers and the facade and you quickly realize this city has nothing. It's the most "wannabe" city I've ever lived in. It tries so hard to be one of the big boys but it will never ever reach that level, mainly because of the way it's built. But that's a whole nother long ass topic. Charlotte is just one big ass small town, charging big city prices, for small town fun.


Innocence lost in the EAST
Dec 28, 2012


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I’m coming down in the coming weeks. what’s a nice chill spot? hoes, drinks, game?

You coming to visit or are you relocating? You're coming from New York, right?

I don't know much about the nightlife but there's a decent lounge and club scene in both, someone else can probably expound better...

I don't know when the last time you've been here but the downtowns of both cities have really grown in options and amenities...

I've lived in Raleigh many years.

I've lived in Durham many years.

The truth:

Overrated, overpriced, and underwhelming = Raleigh

Underrated, overpriced, but meets expectations = Durham

Durham will always be a better fit for me personally because at least Durham has culture. It has, idk, soul. An identity.

Raleigh has no soul, no identity, and is full of tryhard culture. Tryhard nikkas. Tryhard cacs.

While Durham maybe dirtier, a little poorer, and more violent, those are the very things that molded it and gave Durham a soul. A pulse, so to speak. Something you can put your finger on and feel upon arrival. Durham people are far more genuine than Raleigh people. The city feels far Blacker than Raleigh does. And it it's Black history still lives on in the streets, in the buildings, in the street names, in the neighborhood names, etc.

Currently living in Charlotte now for the past 4 years and while it's bigger and more glitzy and glammed than both Raleigh and Durham, Charlotte is also just another overpriced, way overrated, and highly underwhelming city. It takes a while longer to realize it upon first arriving, but once you've been here a year or so and have began to get into the daily living, you begin to peel back the layers and the facade and you quickly realize this city has nothing. It's the most "wannabe" city I've ever lived in. It tries so hard to be one of the big boys but it will never ever reach that level, mainly because of the way it's built. But that's a whole nother long ass topic. Charlotte is just one big ass small town, charging big city prices, for small town fun.

Where are you originally from/where did you grow up? This was a harsh analysis 😳 😆 but maybe your perspective could be understood better by where you grew up...

I've had almost an entirely opposite experience than you in all of these cities;


It is a bit overpriced for what it is, but aren't most places today? I don't think it's underwhelming nor overrated, because I don't have the expectation that Raleigh should compete in a class of cities that it doesn't belong in, IE, I'm not comparing what Rgh has/is to NY or Philly, or Pgh or Bmore....

For its weight class it's one of the best cities in the country. Raleigh has plenty of soul and identity, one of the most attractive things about it is its exceptional black history and the level of black mobility that is found here. It's a creative city that is low on violence which is rare for a city this size, and this black (~27% black). Respectably diverse, and economically we are doing really, really well here...

I don't get the tryhard part, where did you live when you were here? I live in Garner which is basically an extension of the Southeast, I'm all over The South throughout the week. I've been here 3½ years, and even before I came, I'd been here prior---->its an authentically hustling ass city. You gotta have some business about yourself here, and cats know how to find the money here. It's a city with black representation across many lifestyle areas, which I love. It's got a growing downtown...

What I don't like is that the city is more suburban than I'd like, bit that isn't a deal breaker nor surprising. The city is also highly segregated, most black people live to the east (NE x SE x East Rgh), and the city is overwhelmingly white everywhere else, so it is a place that you can't comfortably live in most areas. Many of the cacs here are also passive-aggressively racist, that subtle type, stay in your lane kinda racism...

Otherwise though, it has above average shopping and dining amenities for its size, one of the best public school districts nationwide (I have two daughters here so that matters), is mostly clean and well kept, solid weather, fun people. I fukk with it...


Durm is the overrated one of the two and the one cats should be worrying about, as they are gentrifying the fukk out of a city that today is ~36% black, but was over 45% black 20 years ago. It's also a city that remains with one of Carolina's worst violent crime problems which should matter to anyone black...

I will say Durm overall does well in black quality of life metrics nationally, because though it's wild for Carolina, it's not really that dangerous on a national scale which is an appeal all large NC cities have. For comparison, Durm has a 22.8% black poverty rate to a median household income of $38,840, compared to Rgh's 16% black poverty rate to $45,818 median household income...

Durham has hella creatives as well, and mobility in the black community. Durm is just too small for me, and I've grown weary of being in places with high black crime. It's also quite boring, I used to run thru for various reasons and the segregation between us and whites is even more pronounced than in Rgh...

It does feel blacker than Rgh because it is, but it's being gentrified more intensely and many of those historically black areas are turning Latino (Mexican/Salvis and other Central Americans). Durm has a pulse for sure, just not my flavor, and I don't think it has more of a pulse than Rgh. Just a different flavor...


Charlotte is absolutely a major city, stop it 🤣. I lived at South and Tyvola in my Clt days, and loved every minute of it. Less segregated than Rgh or Durm with just as much black history and representation (~34% black), scores well in all the relevant metrics for black people too, except in Clt, unlike the other two, you're getting bigger events more consistently, higher scale of amenities (shipping, dining, etc), isn't being gentrified as harshly because more black people are moving to Clt than the other two, creating new hoods of comfortability for us, and is safe as well by national big city standards...

It has big city infrastructure that keeps growing, I'd love to hear what cities you're comparing Clt to that you feel Clt is lesser than. Because in Clt's weight class we're talking very few, if any. It's a legit Top 20 American city and I'd move back in a heartbeat if it made sense to...

There’s a nice bar scene on Haywood cruise there and tell everyone you’re GD

Haywood Block 🤣. Rgh is unique in that its a heavily gang-affiliated city but doesn't have a ton of violence. You sending him off quick though if he going to Haywood 😆...