Mr. Robot in 20 minutes so someone better win in 15 minutes or less
I like that idea. They be too overdramatic, especially stream is in spanishno mitchell cole crakker graves or king lawler
Now... kayfabe-wise under NO circumstances should Charlotte and Becky Lynch be able to beat ANY kind of cohesive team, especially the champions.
But watch they win anyway. Bullshyt.
then you could argue for all three (Rusev/Lashley, Corbin/Reigns, Miz/Fiend) to main event .... either way the women's tag match main eventing is odd
You`re right. WWE`s logic though. Charlotte legit almost beat the champs on her own. With Becky Lynch, itshould be a cakewalk.Now... kayfabe-wise under NO circumstances should Charlotte and Becky Lynch be able to beat ANY kind of cohesive team, especially the champions.
But watch they win anyway. Bullshyt.
Mr. Robot in 20 minutes so someone better win in 15 minutes or less