The more I think about it, the more glad I am that they're creating an original character and not doing the expected "Boba Fett" storyline.
Yup. Going in with an unknown character is the right move because they're brand new and you can take them in any direction you want (as long as you don't get TOO reckless/lazy/crazy with the new character's portrayal).
Although I gotta admit I would very much like to finally see Boba Fett on the big screen in full combat-mode, using the armory of weapons incorporated in his Mandalorian armor, taking out dudes left & right, one by one. Because other than in comics or video games, you NEVER see Boba Fett get down like that (at least we got to see Jango Fett go up against Obi-Wan in Episode II).
One scenario I'd like to see on the silver screen:
While tracking a bounty, Boba Fett enters a cantina. As Fett approaches a bunch of goons/civilians, he uses his helmet's HUD to scan the crowd. While searching for his target, Fett's HUD is also marking all the crowd's positions while scanning to determine who's who, who's armed & who poses a real threat (kinda like the bar scene at the beginning of Terminator 2: Judgement Day).
Before you know it, someone fires a shot and all hell breaks loose - laser blasts are flying everywhere. But Fett isn't capping everyone in his path: only the ones that are attacking him, basically leaving the bystanders alone (unless they get the big head & try to get a shot in - then they can catch it, too. Otherwise, it's if you don't want none, you won't get none). But it doesn't look like a Boba Fett film is about to be released no time soon (especially with The Mandalorian show that's about to drop).
But looking at The Mandalorian trailer, seems like they're gonna have the main character being a bad ass and shooting up some shyt. And they have some top-notch actors on deck. So hopefully we'll get to see some good acting, interesting characters, tight storyline, solid action scenes, nice special effects & some cool planets or locations in this joint.