i'm confused...is the AT-ST autonomous/droid???
Hard to be intimidating when its on its back waving its legs in the air like ED-209.The AT-ST was used by the empire for intimidation factors not for functional/practical strategy
show is super underwhelming and Im generally surprised more people here dont agree.
InterestingI think most were expecting Game of Thrones, but we ended up with the Adventures of Briscoe County Jr meets Hercules in a good way. Can't really complain. Its far more of what Star Wars OT really was for everything outside of the Jedi stuff. No Jedi here so far. I'm sure KOTOR movies or show will scratch that itch at some point.
Kinda has that old school 'family sitcom intro' vibe....
Never watched GOT so I didn’t have expectations in that realm. Can’t say I had expectations in general but it’s along the lines of Clone Wars and Rebels from a story framing aspect which I’m fine with.