Bone Bender
Superstar do those tracking fobs work? Is there something implanted in Baby Yoda that the fob is honing into or what? do those tracking fobs work? Is there something implanted in Baby Yoda that the fob is honing into or what?
They did a good job in making the AT-ST seem ominous with the red lights coming out of the woods.
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if the tracking fobs can still track targets that are frozen in carbonite?Mando - Stop touching things.
BY - *stares at Mando and touches it again anyway*
Mess like that will make you want to freeze a kid in carbonite.
I wonder how George Lucas feels about it
The AT-ST was used by the empire for intimidation factors not for functional/practical strategyYes, but this episode made me realize something I should have realized from Return of the Jedi:
An AT-ST walker is far LESS effective than a modern real world tank would be in most situations!
The only advantage I can see that an AT-ST would have over a tank is that a walker can "jump" over obstacles. But they're so easy to trip up with Endor vines or lure into a pit. And look at the firepower on that thing. It's PATHETIC. The Mandalorian was able to escape it by running in a serpentine pattern on foot. A real tank would easily mow him down with a machine gun. Even if you argue that his armor is bulletproof to real world weapons, bullets would at least knock him down and he would get run over. Then you have the "eye holes" that are convenient openings for 1 single hand grenade to kill everyone inside.
No wonder they got wiped out by Ewoks.
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if the tracking fobs can still track targets that are frozen in carbonite?
Filoni is his protege and there are pictures of him on set with Favreau and Filoni. I gotta think they basically have his co-sign and they are shooting elements of the story off him especially the aspects with the kidI wonder how George Lucas feels about it
The beta males in that village had that chick begging for Mando meat![]()
When they cut to him sipping his bone broth as they foght![]()