Jessica had that butt sticking out a bit and them thunder thighs, I know yall like that
Devyn says she'll smile and push up her chest, that might work
i need that Laurel vs. Nia elimination matchup in my life, producers were not playing putting those two together
theresa looks real good in next to nothing will find those pics as soon as I can, it could be clever editing or CT letting her think she had a chance but she was hooping
and shake my head at random, them producer wanted to get rid of the a$$holes first, and like Chet I would have forfeited, my face my moneymaker
i know yall back jordan last season because he was marlon partnet,
cust at yall backing a gay dude, but he is free game this season, one hand fakkit
girls that can get it: Cara Maria, Devyn, Emilee, Jessica, Laurel, Nany, Nia, and Theresa