The Rock was just lucky that he was so over, they tried everything to take away his momentum.
The SummerSlam 1998 ladder match between The Rock and Triple H that Hunter won was actually supposed to be Triple H's push into the main event but thanks to the crowd reaction it was the Rock who became a main eventer.
Vince hated it that the nose was not over with the fans so they booked Rock in a feud with Mark Henry (that he lost) to kill his momentum.
That didn't work so they made him a heel but he was also popular as heel so they had no choice than to turn him face.
Then they tried again to kill his momentum by making him feud with Billy Gunn but that also didn't work. Next step was making him a tag team wrestler with Mick Foley but The Rock stayed popular.
The ultimate move how to kill a popular babyface is what was supposed to happen at WrestleMania 2000 when it was the first time at WrestleMania that a babyface challenger lost against a heel and the heel walked away still as the champ.
The Rock is actually the perfect example that you can make it even if the whole world (in this case the wrestling world) is against you. The Rock survived thanks to his overness and charisma, everybody else would lose momentum. Look what happened with Ryback in the last months who had the similar booking like the Rock 15 years ago. Sadly, he is not anywhere near The Rock when it comes to everything so his career gets ruined week after week
This dude on WF actually valid points on how Rock was able to maintain his overness despite questionable booking of him during his prime:
This dude on WF actually valid points on how Rock was able to maintain his overness despite questionable booking of him during his prime:
Thats why he's the greatest. The people chose their GOAT.This dude on WF actually valid points on how Rock was able to maintain his overness despite questionable booking of him during his prime: