So these are the titles of the last 3 episdoes and i feel like they are being quite literal
18 - Absence - This obviously reflects Mary's "absence" Wether she's dead or not. But more importantly this will shift the relationship between Sam/Dean and Jack
19 - Jack in the Box - Again i feel this is quite literal. The boys are gonna think the only way to stop Jack is by putting him in the Box they were gonna use for Michael.
20 - Moriah - In biblical lore this is the mountain where God told Isaac to sacrifice his son. Maybe Nick sacrifices Jack to bring back Lucifer? (Assuming Nick is still alive and not just a dream or something when he's talking to Jack in the preview for next week) Also this could be where Chuck himself comes back and scarifies Lucifer to save Jack? Who knows. But this is the finale before the final season so something big is gonna happen.
All in all this season has been very good. One of the best since the kripke era imo.