How did this guy get the colt??Why is Mary lying like this? ?
Its still weird to me that Crowley was willing to give up the crown of hell to one of the princes of hellhe fights so damn hard for that type of power why was he trying to give it away all of a sudden?
I thought Sam and Dean left the colt when they went back in time to the west?But Crowley has shown he's pretty good at tracking rare items down.... just like he got that Lance of Michael
That scene was during season 6. Crowley was nothing but a crossroad demon then and was just following rules. With Lilith Alistiar and Azzael dead and Lucifer/Michael locked away in the cage there was no one to rule over hell. So he was just following rules at that point.
so princes outrank knights of hell? smh now we beating lilith n yellow eye level demons in a episode, this shyt so trash. luci bikemerk dat bytch mary
I officially hate their mother. This dumb ass is being used as a weapon against Sam and Dean by the MOL and was ok with just a normal apology. She should have stayed dead and is a loose canon. No way they beating a prince of hell in an episode either. I was actually pulling for him to kill her for being a damn thief and not speaking up when he gave them that 30 seconds. Like bytch open your mouth and say something.Mary![]()
The threats reaching darkness levelSo lets look at what the Winchesters and Cas got to deal with:
*Lucifer's son and what hell that will bring once its born
*The British Men of Letters and their true intentions
*Whatever cosmic damage Billie was talking about before she died
*Lucifer... seems like he's not out of the loop totally yet
*What ever Crowley is planning on doing
This show gonna last at least 6 more seasons at this rate with all the threats that appear
lol breh why wld a demon do hand to hand especially one dat strong he could have literally obliterated them in multiple way, maybe his arrogance led to his downfall but still only the lance cld beat him n he let's that get away from him. I wonder how with all their tech the British mol cldnt replicate the colt I know dean n dem figured out how to make more bullets but is the actual gun even harder to duplicate?To be fair the power scale of both the weapons the boys have at their disposal and the allies they have(Crowley/Cass/Men of Letters/Spear of Michael) are way higher then it was during seasons 2-3. So beating Azzael level demons in one episode isn't really weird. As far as the hand to hand combat Dean/Sam was always able to go toe to toe with them ever since Season 2 and the gifted kids.
I agree about the "rankings" though. They keep rewriting it. It went from first demons, to generals of hell, to knights of hell, to princes of hell. However there aren't any glaring retcons that i can think of so it still works out in the narrative. It kinda makes sense as well. We already know there are countless rankings for Angels and Heaven. Would only make sense it's the same for Demons and Hell.
lol breh why wld a demon do hand to hand especially one dat strong he could have literally obliterated them in multiple way, maybe his arrogance led to his downfall but still only the lance cld beat him n he let's that get away from him. I wonder how with all their tech the British mol cldnt replicate the colt I know dean n dem figured out how to make more bullets but is the actual gun even harder to duplicate?
It was said in the producer preview that this episode is the start of the mythology going forward. SUPERNATURAL IS BACK!!!
All we know about the colt is there are 5 things it can't kill. Back in season 5 Lucifer told Sam he's one of the 5. But we don't know iff he means himself literally as one of 5 beings. Or Lucifer as a Archangel is one of the "things" it can't kill.
Back then everyone assumed God and Death along with Lucifer were 3 of the 5. But it could very well mean Arch Angels is just a "thing" it can't kill. So Arch Angels/God/Death/Darkness and Leviathans would be my guesses.
Though to be fair. Colt not being able to kill Levithians but they can die to bleach is comical. Maybe swap out Levithians for the AntiChrist? Or maybe Eve?
Prince of Hell? And he has 2 other siblings. Man listen. I don't mind if Supernatural goes up to season 20. But WHENEVER the last season is. We need ALL THE VILLAINS to come back.
It's stuff like this where they bring up such cool concepts just to kill them off so quickly. It happened with Alistair. It happened with Eve. It happened with Abbadon. Now it happened with Ramiel. Bring them all back.
Top 20 episode of all time