Official Supernatural Thread!(Show officially ending with Season 15!!)

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
Started with this season. Oh wow no monster related deaths in the UK that's cute. The US has
-Lords of Hell
-Demons and not just your usual mooks we talking Hell Knights, Lilith etc
-Pagan Gods
-Hell Hounds
-Jesse Tyler who is potentially the antichrist
-Phoenix (no jean grey but close)
-Angels including archangels and Grigorian
-Leviathans and Eve who are older than angels and can kill them
Jefferson starships
-Croatan virus that wipes out cities
-Several Hellgates
- Alpha Vamps and Skinwalkers
-Phoenix in the past

All this on a tight budget (and allies) while these clowns got MI6 cash and they didn't even know it was the Darkness causing that eclipse.
Dean out here killing Death itself
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Jan 24, 2016
Started with this season. Oh wow no monster related deaths in the UK that's cute. The US has
-Lords of Hell
-Demons and not just your usual mooks we talking Hell Knights, Lilith etc
-Pagan Gods
-Hell Hounds
-Jesse Tyler who is potentially the antichrist
-Phoenix (no jean grey but close)
-Angels including archangels and Grigorian
-Leviathans and Eve who are older than angels and can kill them
Jefferson starships
-Croatan virus that wipes out cities
-Several Hellgates
- Alpha Vamps and Skinwalkers
-Phoenix in the past

All this on a tight budget (and allies) while these clowns got MI6 cash and they didn't even know it was the Darkness causing that eclipse.
Dean out here killing Death itself

thats what i was saying in the beginning. these 2 and friends are saving the world on hopes and dreams literally trying to box with god with most of these creatures, yet these british dudes are feeling accomplished with there being no monsters on the island. i bet it never occured to them that the monsters most likely fled the scene to america to get away from those a$$holes. it would also explain some of the other monsters migrating from other countries too, like that monster bobby and rufus put in the mulcher

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
thats what i was saying in the beginning. these 2 and friends are saving the world on hopes and dreams literally trying to box with god with most of these creatures, yet these british dudes are feeling accomplished with there being no monsters on the island. i bet it never occured to them that the monsters most likely fled the scene to america to get away from those a$$holes. it would also explain some of the other monsters migrating from other countries too, like that monster bobby and rufus put in the mulcher
You peep that too? They faced the Djinns too and that creature you mentioned. They knew that they'd be eating good in the US since any force against them would be spread thin over such a huge land mass. Its no coincidence why the alpha vamps and the skin walkers are chilling there. If men of letter were that hot why did they dissolve their chapter in the US? Could they not handle the heat there?

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
thats what i was saying in the beginning. these 2 and friends are saving the world on hopes and dreams literally trying to box with god with most of these creatures, yet these british dudes are feeling accomplished with there being no monsters on the island. i bet it never occured to them that the monsters most likely fled the scene to america to get away from those a$$holes. it would also explain some of the other monsters migrating from other countries too, like that monster bobby and rufus put in the mulcher
Another thing I wanna know is why they blame the winchesters for shyt that happened. The hell mouth opening is on yellow eyes. Lucifer rising was predestined by angelic prophecy and the brothers were just unwilling part of the game. Leviathons again war in heaven and cas fukked up. metatron and the angels falling again war in heaven. Ok the darkness being released you can def argue for that but that mark of Cain was a crazy way to seal the most dangerous being in existence :gucci:
Imma quote a breh here

Now it really makes you question where the hell is God? :martin:

Where ya ass is at when Dean was a demon
Where ya ass is at when Sam was cryptic dreaming


Jan 24, 2016
Another thing I wanna know is why they blame the winchesters for shyt that happened. The hell mouth opening is on yellow eyes. Lucifer rising was predestined by angelic prophecy and the brothers were just unwilling part of the game. Leviathons again war in heaven and cas fukked up. metatron and the angels falling again war in heaven. Ok the darkness being released you can def argue for that but that mark of Cain was a crazy way to seal the most dangerous being in existence :gucci:
Imma quote a breh here

they blame the winchesters because theyre involved and they dont have the big picture on anything. cant really blame azazel on the hellmouth when you dont know who azazel is, but you can blame sam and dean. same with the rest of the shyt. they just see sam and dean are involved with everything, and instead of talking to people like adults, they run in with the fukking torture. it seems from what little we know of any of them, being a bytch is a key component of being a men of letters. and it pisses me off that sam and dean never made their own men of letters. its not like they dont know a bunch of people with varying skillsets and powers that could help.