I've said it before and I'll say it again for the non-believers; The Man is a heel character. I don't care if the marks cheered her. She was a full blown heel and that's when the character worked. She was sniping everyone on the mic and in the tweets and a pretty bad ass character wrestling wise too, not a cowardly heel. For whatever reason; the WWE actually listened to the fans, but at the wrong fukking time and turned her face, and corny. The mic work and tweets became an obnoxious gimmick and then they tried to make her Stone Cold. She was over though, but as time went on the pop was fading. She got pregnant at the right time because she was a couple of months away from Cena heat and not everyone is built for that. So, maybe the WWE has seen the error of it's ways and is turning Becky back into "the real" The Man (which is fukking clever and never gets it's full due) to recapture the magic. THIS wasn't the way to do it though. She could have done a slow turn where she is at first congratulatory towards Belair but in a condescending manner which slowly leads to jealousy and the eventual turn. If you want fans to dislike Becky, yeah this might work. But if you aren't turning her at all, you've fukked over a huge asset in one 30 second segment (I ain't calling that BS a match).