Official Summerslam 2021 Thread 8/21/21

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Y'all can hate Charlotte all you want but......she's a heel and one of the few unlikable ones. Appreciating heels for being cool started with the NWO. People wanted to be the Horseman, or at least live like them, but they still hated the b*stards. No one was winking at Paul Orndoff's "wonderful" heel work (see what I did there), they just hated him. Yeah yeah yeah, y'all hate Charlotte for smarky reasons and go off, but Charlotte the character is extremely unlikable and it works. She doesn't say or do anything that will get fans cheering for her. Also, she gets a reaction and people are invested in her matches. The issues with Charlotte revolve around the creative and booking department, something I see you all have finally realized tonight, and how those people book her opponents. Nikki ASS is a female Eugene. Rhea Rhipley is a Twitter composite. No one has faith in those losers or will get behind them, and Charlotte isn't a cool wink, wink heel so they need someone that can beat her ass.

Could it be *sigh* Becky Lynch going for the two belts thing again? Who knows. WWE needs to fix their women's division. They need to fix their whole wrestling division in general. The wrestling component of the company needs to be run with the same competency and efficiency as whichever department is getting all of these billion dollar deals despite the company's product being absolutely atrocious.