This dude Crixus is so goddamn
Unkempt and can't fight for shyt...Gannicus was putting in work
Naevia....this bytch has to go...ASAP. Can't stand her...and the part where she told those 2 grown men to fall back? GTFOH....who the fukk is actually scared of this bish
ever since he was poison he has fallen off, couldnt even kill lucretia

, a sober gannicus can take almost everone but crixus didnt even get in a good punch.
man naevia is putting in work, she killed ashur a slimeball who escaped everyone and that was before she was even trained, shes come a long way from that coward in teh woods who mira had to save, to now almost being on the level of saxa
The thing is season 1 spartacus wouldn't have thought twice about killing a roman and his whole family. Ever since season 2 seems like he forgot about his wife and Varro and been soft on Romans ever since. If they kept season 1 Spartacus (the character not the actor RIP to Andy) and season 1 Crixus this would've been the goat lineup. Gannicus is the only one who's stayed real throughout. It's gonna be a sad day if he gets got
its funny in kill them all sparty was killing every roman left and right, dude could have spared baitatous but killed him, dude got soft on illythia and let her go and ashur figured out their hiding spot which caused so many deaths, now dude is some compassion fakkit.
on the real breh im looking at that scene like

this bytch barely beat the fukking blacksmith now u think u can step to anybody
dat bytch need a reality check ASAP, if gannicus wasnt puttin the MMA moves on crixus he would've did that bytch in :bronbron:
breh teh blacksmith was in close quarters and had put sword to purpose back in the past, naevia actually killed a gladiator in ashur, most of these dudes with nemetes aent even gladiators they couldnt even fight awhile ago, again nemetes almost got killed by some skinny ass roman in chains
anyways i have a feeling gannicus is gonna get got either by ceaser, or that little whore he didnt smash.
onemaeus told these nikkas when crixus and rhaskos and that other dude who got merked at the party by illthyia about women, not to trust them but these nikkas dont listen