Token Moltisanti
All Star
This episode started off so promising, with Ruben at the wedding and Tony Marino listening in from the truck… I appreciate that the plot definitely moved forward but they went about it in the most convenient way.
When did Jerome basically just become a accessory and pet to Louie? He’s basically became her servant with no identity. They sitting on Ms talking about we need to go around Franklin for our future and Jerome just goes along with it like it is necessary lol.
That Iranian woman scares me. She has those crazy eyes and shyt is never far from going left with them type of women.Only with the death of ego...can we walk the higher path
Oso getting deep as hell into his own groove...with the PERFECT TRACK in the background
Avi giving out gems
Franklin sticking the invisible gun in his waist
This Persian bruja is a nuke waiting to go off![]()
He wouldn't even give Louie the code to the safe in their spot first season now he just on some Smithers shyt.When did Jerome basically just become a accessory and pet to Louie? He’s basically became her servant with no identity. They sitting on Ms talking about we need to go around Franklin for our future and Jerome just goes along with it like it is necessary lol.
Yup. Especially compared to Melody who went to the other extreme, I know she's one of those strict church women that don't do shyt but church and microwave dinners at home.Thank God Wanda was allergic to chocolate. I think she's my favorite character. The show really NEEDED someone like her. Got clean and never looked back. Even when the devil tried to sneak in forbidden fruit (the strawberries) God was on her side.
Pure redemption![]()
I don't think he did that maliciously though.Yeah Skully's character is all over the place.
Started off as a Menace crucifying dudes, then a docile crying ass gangbanger, to now back to what he was in when he first appeared, also being an ally and have a moral code, to finally being conniving and spiking chocolate of his so called associates... Only thing left is to see him Buck Broken..
there's one episode left in this seasonI enjoyed the episode. Real trippy with Franklin facing his demons throughout. Finally an episode with damn near the whole cast in it even the Little Rich fam and Scully made sure everybody had their guard down to a certain extent.
I’m surprised people calling this filler. Franklin telling Teddy he’s going to kill him is not filler type shyt. His mom confronting him. Louie making multiple moves behind Franklin’s back and what was about to happen to Kane. It felt like this episode definitely set up the final few episodes and basically the end of the series. Feels like we about to get a Franklin vs Louie showdown by this season finale and I’m sure the last season will basically be Franklin vs Teddy.
Im still entertained despite the story kind of being all over the place but despite a few missteps I think they are doing good without having John Singleton around to complete his story.
They’ve turned the writers room into a gender war on RedditWalter Mosley wrote last night's episode. Twitter is polarized as hell about it. I thought it was good but I feel like I'll appreciate it more after the season is over , since we're all hungry for the plot to move forward.
is this still the Freeway Ricky Ross story?
First the tiger, now this? What the hell has this show turned into?![]()
I think the writers this season have been taking LSD.
Yep..........not a fan of this episode. Too much fillerish/nothingness happened already this season for this episode to happen.They way it did. Soon as I realized Skully spiked the chocolate, I knew I wouldnt like where this was heading.They started running out of reference material before season 3