Kev is dead, are y'all happy now?

this shyt is a fukkin tragedy, but wow.... The entire saga really did an excellent job of providing the backstory to how this all went down. Of course WE know the truth, the inner circle knows the truth, but imagine how it must look to Franklin's parents, the mixed looking chick, her dad, the sellers, the neighborhood, etc.
All they know is he killed Kev and they can't make any sense of it

That's happened so often in our community it's sad. Best friends in the dope game and one ends up being killed by the other. It's never justified but only god knows the ramifications behind it
I knew he was gone the moment Franklin said he caught him in the leg though. Oso gone

I was worried about Reed's brother but he's not exactly out of the woods yet. Them Colombians are some true sociopaths, and that was the only lighthearted moment of the episode-- Seeing Avi finally meet some motherfukkers as crazy as him and become buddies

I just pray this isn't the series finale coming up. Has season 3 been announced?