The show was pretty good, as usual they are too damn long and for the 217796364762349656836765th time fukk a pre show, I wish they would have kept the 30 minute post shows, those are so much more entertaining and it furthers the storyline
two things
I knew they wouldnt let AJ/DBRY or Finn close the show, even last year they gave brock and roman the final spot, I dont think either of them will ever close a show again.
the crowd was weak I thought aj and bryan deserved better from them..
I called Becky finding her way back into the rumble, now I just hope vince dont try to force a triple threat, I know they want Charlotte or nia involved
I'm now watching the wwe 24 just to see why brock threw the belt at vince, sitting here like
Also I have to give a big

to the wwenetwork app on the iphone. if im out the house and want to watch the show after the initial airing the app forces you to see the wwe homepage which always has the results on the main page, They have spoiled so many ppvs because i simply wanted to login to the app to watch and I'm forced to go through their fukk ass website.. these fakkits give me no chance to avoid spoilers, so I knew the outcome of the mens rumble before i could even hit play. im watching it like