Wasn't there a thread hyping up that War Machine vs lee/Taylor match? Very overrated if so. I saw them when they had a squash match on tv weeks ago and was impressed by a few of their spots but honestly they both need to drop some weight. That's out of concern for their health honestly.
Glad to see Punisher Martinez back. He impressed me in the top prospect tournament.
I've lost all hype I had about a Kenny King ROH return/ANX push. Adding Caprice Coleman just gives you 3 good in ting performers that are terrible when given a mic.
I'm guessing Matt Taven is commentating for something to do until his in ring return. While he definitely cut back the heelishness you can still tell this isn't a great spot for him.
I'm with you. I like Lee/Taylor but I think the magic is gone after you see them a few times. They need to add something to their look or do something cosmetically.
I also likeed punisher, I guess their redoing Kevin sullivian's devil stuff from Florida which could be pretty good if they keep Sullivan close to realistic as possible he can get hokey with it sometimes.
Man I like ANX but this gimmick isn't really cutting it, I'd rather them be Tavens new kingdom or be a random tag team on the roster.
Overall it was decent show the bucks/addiction was pretty good but this show felt skipable outside the four way segment.