From Reddit
Since we have gotten a few emails asking about this, ROH's Greg Gilliland, not booker Hunter Johnston is the point person responsible for handling the ROH contracts and getting them signed. Johnston is the booker and is behind the creative direction but Gilliand is responsible for all the major business decisions.
For those unaware, Greg - affectionately dubbed, "The Office Boy" by Jim Cornette, who threatened to kill him in an email he sent to ROH COO Joe Koff - has a reputation for apparently "putting business before wrestling", so while I'm sure Delirious or others in ROH's office who are more familiar with the wrestling business, like Kevin Kelly or Gary Juster, might be telling him, "you need to make sure that guy is signed up", if said talent doesn't go with what their being offered, Greg won't offer more because that's not good business in his mind. That's just a hunch from what has been said about him, but in defense of him and what Jim Cornette has said of him, in contrast guys like Kevin Owens and Davey Richards have said that Greg is a perfectly nice guy who takes an interest in the business and who they never had an issue with while there. Owens especially during a Highspots interview said he couldn't understand how Cornette would blame everything that went wrong on Greg even if he had nothing to do with the situation.
It's good to note that Delirious can't take the blame for not getting the guys re-signed quicker though.