aka #DiamondNightmare
I've been pooped and pee'd on Coach. :perplexedmiz:
They really turning Finn Balor gay?!
nvmBalor Club might not be a club I want to be in...
Patterson backstage like...
"I like that little Finn Balor"
You don’t like gay people we get it brehWHAT DID I TELL YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miz is a better commentator than Cole & Coach combined
Damn. Miz couldn't just stay home until WM off?
He's turning into Jericho.
It makes no sense for anything besides this Undertaker:
I could also see them using this theme:
Ready for them to run them Gongs
Miz - im a new man
kids, man
how does it make sense for him to come back as Big Evil when we just saw Deadman Taker at Raw 25?
Well Finn always said he was "Too Sweet" but I thought he meant something elseFinn Bi-lor
Why steph always gotta emasculate everybody
Cute af