Season 3: Episode 12
The opening scene with Olivia and Fitz was great. I was glad that Olivia said that her reasoning to go along with Jake being her pretend boyfriend, was for her benefit and not Fitz's. (

I was happy to see Hollis back. His character is one of the more enjoyable for me, considering we all know that he is willing to do whatever to maintain a power position.
Oh Sally. She's not built for that top spot. Having numerous flashbacks (not sure why she doesn't just change out things that remind her of the incident but I digress) and being aloof isn't a good look. Really, even though they have her as Fitz's adversary, back when he got shot and she took over for sometime she did eventually come to him once he regained his place and told him that the job was much harder than she assumed. Point being, Sally has a helluva poker face and can verbally go toe-to-toe with the best of them, but overall the writing of the character is disjointed. One moment she's all guns blazing and the next she's thumping her bible and blaming her actions on the devil.
As James's final scene in last week's episode hinted at, he was way in over his head. This week confirmed that. Although, Cyrus and James have a fukked up relationship, James had some inkling of what he was getting himself into. That is why I felt tonight if he would have gotten got, he only would have had himself to blame.
Now she's Billarina bad-ass? Chile...
I do still feel that Quinn needs to go home on one hand, but on the other since she is choosing to be about that B6-13 life, she is someone who is going to have to learn the hard way. Sure, she gave Jake some information in regards to Rowan/Leo but I don't buy into her being as astute of an agent as they are trying to make her. This is the same person who very foolishly killed a security guard, with absolutely no finesse.

Charlie ain't teaching her that much.
Huck verbally dragged the fukk out of Olivia. I was tickled, because she wasn't expecting Huck, her little lapdog to go there and he did. Now granted, it was in a strange way but he told no lies and all she could do was ponder about her actions and drinking that coffee.
The Adnan/Harrison situation isn't all that engaging. I'm not going to write it off this soon, because it is only the 2nd episode with us knowing that Adnan is a female and that her and Harrison had/have intimate relations. However, I am now more interested in the connection of Mama Pope and Adnan.
So now Tom is also a part of B6-13
Like damn, who the hell isn't? Will baby Teddy be next? They damn sure are taking all applicants. On the plus side, great song choice and execution.
The biggest gag of the night was the writers trying to purify Mellie. They can show a million flashbacks and claim that she just walked away from the attraction, but I'm not buying it. That present moment between Mellie and Andrew was just awkward. For shyts and giggles, lets say that she didn't go there- it still doesn't change the fact that her character has already been defiled with her being unsure of who one of her kids father is, nor does it change the overall disgusting nature of her staying mum about what happened in order to gain a higher position.
Overall, tonight's show was okay. It had some good moments, but as usual a lot of loose strings. I am interested in what next week will bring, with it looking as if someone is about to be joining Verna.