I'm such a lame always talking about this guy but I don't care. Son makes me smile. The woman at work told me I should at least acknowledge valentine's day but I'm still not sure of that. She gave me some ideas that I may flow with but I know he's working Friday anyway so that might take care of that.
I was over there the other day and I asked him to go get me some water. So he goes "You want me to go alllll the way down stairs to get you some water?". So I'm like "yeah...please". I'm thinking to myself "Awww so nice of him going to get me some water". So he gets up but before he leaves the room he tells the dog to stay and watch me.
In another convo he said a woman he was dealing with asked him if he could lock the dog up or put her in another room and I've never thought of asking him that not that he was going to do it anyway but I'm like why didn't I ever think that lol WTF is wrong with me? Not that he would have did it but still I never even asked.