Thanks for this (even though I'm not young). I appreciate the sentiment.
Not young, then what are you trippin for. Be a big lady, on to the next one, see all the things you did wrong, don't worry about what he did wrong because he's not important anymore. Write a list of what you want and expect from a man from here out. For example, it better be some, has to have a degree, a career or working towards a career. It better not be no he needs 10 inches and a six pack or you a hoe like thou but I know it isn't
Just regroup. That's all you can do at this point.
Seriously, when a man can fit what you are looking for, for a long term relationship. You can cut out the fat and deal with a man who is willing to deal with you and you can focus on things like communication and compromising like most successful couples. But if you can't get that man thing done first, you are asking for hurt and heartbreak on top of that, do you really want to be wasting ass no disrespect?