As a 12 year old i begged my parents to get me the game with the dude with the huge sword on the cover for christmas.
They got it, and it was the single most amazing game experience i had ever had, or would have for the rest of my life,
From summer 98 till forever all i ever wanted was for them to remake/sequel/update this game in some way.
When they announced the remake, i was the happiest gamer on earth.
When they told me they were breaking it up into pieces i decided then and there i was gonna play the full thing in all its glory and i wasn’t gonna play these nickel and dime games with square.
As far as i’m concerned i’m still waiting on them to complete the dream i’ve held since 1998.
When it’s finally complete i will enthrall myself into this world like no other game. It’s religious to me at this point. Couple more years just makes it all so much sweeter